View Full Version : Saturday coffee May 27
05-27-2023, 05:58
I can tell it's Memorial weekend without looking at a calendar - heavy rain forecast for the next several days. I should probably mow, but it's starting to sprinkle already. Oh, darn! :banana100: Got up early @ 0415 because Flop Ears needed ear drops again. Went for the usual short hike, and she's better now. :grommit: I've been seeing a beaver at the pond where we go & took a camera... which of course meant the beaver was a no show.
As for holiday plans, nothing really going here. Might do the cemetery thing Monday if it's not raining a lick. SW
Memorial weekend. The traffic here is like Christmas time. I noticed this Thursday--2 days before the weekend. Sat-Sun-Mon I'm not getting on the road for anything.
We own a small lot next to my Daughters house (about an acre). My son in-law parks his truck under a large pecan tree there due to the shade. Over a year ago lightning hit his truck and disabled it (took about 8 months for the Chevy dealership to repair it). It wasn't until this spring that I noticed the tree wasn't budding out like the rest and had obviously been hit with the lightning strike too.
The tree is no doubt close to 100 years old, about 90-95' tall. We called several tree "experts" to cut, grind and remove the tree. Only 2 of these places returned our call with an estimate.
Anyway, long story made longer, the tree was removed yesterday. Nothing there now but smooth pulverized dirt/sawdust/wood chips. We have several tall trees like this that need to be "topped" to save them from hurricanes.
Talk about yard work---at least I just watched this time.
drove down to Kilmarnock to the store for the day (Brother and I own a gunshop there, as well as the one I am based out of here in Chesterfield) and noticed a plethora of State Troopers running radar,
as well as a lot of travel trailers\RV's,
tis the season,
gray here, hit the farmers market this morning for our monthly supply of farm raised eggs, (much better than store bought and about the same price)
and a few fresh veggies
got some local seafood whilst I was down in the Northern Neck so we are gonna have fried oysters and some home made crabcakes Sun or Mon,
Doc Sharptail
05-27-2023, 10:06
Coffee this a.m. is a little old- rewarmed Tim Hortons in the microwave. Bleah. I'll get up and start a fresh pot after this post.
Just a few rain sprinkles now- it'll get heavier mid afternoon.
Played around with the P/B-2A bellows unit this a.m. on the big manfrotto tripod, and I am still learning a lot.
I'll put a couple pix up in the photography thread...
Doc Sharptail
05-27-2023, 12:31
Trying to make up my mind whether i want to run the string trimmer awhile longer or try and take a nap.
We've been doing the afternoon showers and expecting to do more. It looks like mowing is going to be a weekly deal until things really warm up weather-wise. Too early in the year to set up the air conditioner or I'd be doing that today.
Friend of mine makes a living as a beekeeper. Dude has multiple hives spread out in two states. I'm continually surprised at the scale of his operations. Claims he lost 12 out of 15 queens (local hives) last winter and he's trying to scale back up. Turns out some thought goes into socializing new hives with those already established. He showed me video of hives at war and it's something I don't want to be around.
Started putting up a hummingbird feeder last year after one got up in my face on a hot mid-summer afternoon. I swear the heat had him confused.
Seems they follow the fruit trees flowering out and make it part of their Spring migration pattern. They don't overwinter here but I've got at least one that hangs out. He's pretty good sized as Hummers go. In flight, he makes more of a deep buzz than a high pitched hum. I looked him up once but forgot the species(?). I think species is the term I'm looking for. Website said we have three types that visit the area. I see them so seldom I'd never given them much thought until the one came up and looked me over.
It looks like mowing is going to be a weekly deal until things really warm up weather-wise.
You're going to really be mowing then.
FYI: There is such a critter known as a hummingbird moth. They look a little like the bird and fly like the bird. I only see them at night smacking on sweet smelling flowers.
Beekeeper. Not for me. Honeybee's attack me for any reason or no reason. As far as relying on the hives for income go, murder wasp, storms, or insecticides can wipe them out overnight. Africanized honey bee's wouldn't be a good thing to happen either.
But, glad to know some people raise them and help keep their numbers up.
05-27-2023, 02:37
"...glad to know some people raise them and help keep their numbers up"
For my friend, it's serious business.
He makes better money at it than I would have thought but he puts effort into the various processes (renting out hives, etc.) The honey's great.
My mother planted a type of flower that attracts those hummingbird moths you mentioned... Bouncing Betty's (?).
Some people call them Hawk moths. Sphinx moths is name for them. I'd say the name tends to be a regional thing but I've always called them hummingbird moths as well. Lady was excitedly pointing out "all the hummingbirds" to her daughter one evening. (there's some evening foot traffic out front) I don't think I made any friends by pointing to the fact they're actually moths. She didn't say anything but I made a mental note, going forward, not to correct a mother in front of her daughter.
05-27-2023, 02:46
You're going to really be mowing then.
After de-thatching and getting some composted steer manure out there, the lawn has both taken off and greened up something fierce. Even the gaps from last year's vole runs are filling in nicely.
I made a mental note, going forward, not to correct a mother in front of her daughter.
I think that goes for any woman, any time.
cool and breezy here today,
wife worked me like a rented mule,
farmers market
got the truck and went to Home Despot,
put a piece of outside furniture together for the front porch
pulled up 2 big overgrown box woods out front, (amazing what a chain, truck and a bushaxe will do)
trimmed a few limbs, (stihl small saw cranked w\o issues)
then steaks on the grill, onions, baby broccoli, and some taters
gonna be a glass or 2 of wine, and maybe a few advils,,,,
busy day
Ken The Kanuck
05-27-2023, 08:06
Nice here today, been nice all week around 75-80 F. Went out for Dim Sum and then to the grandson's lacrosse game. Tomorrow's another day might getting nothing done again. The wife said I should go bust some clays, might be an idea.
05-28-2023, 06:25
Rained a lick all night so probably no cemetery visit today since the roads out there will be muddy. More rain until Wed, the weather guesser sez. I really should have mowed yesterday. SW
Weather starting to crank up some but the coffee will be on 24/7 standby at all times!! Mission accomplished on the first bovine roundup & we all basically survived even thou a 500lber got the best of my carcass & knocked me on me azz! :icon_redface: definitely felt that one.
Till the monsoon rains arrive (soon!!) it’s long day’s with sporadic hr’s time’s again on the gen’s,fookin donkeys moving in again as usual is the politeness thing I can say about them sob critter’s!
Cheer’s all.
welcome back ole cobber, go get a PBR and sit back now you are back on the island
05-28-2023, 02:06
It's clouding up to rain again so I mowed. If I'd waited, I would have needed a baler. SW
welcome back ole cobber, go get a PBR and sit back now you are back on the island
Cheer’s to good weekend for y’all :1948:
Cheer’s to good weekend for y’all :1948:
Same to ya.
05-29-2023, 08:46
Spent the weekend running the string trimmer between showers.
Locally, we seem to have settled into a cycle of afternoon showers. For now, it's kind of nice.
Spent the weekend running the string trimmer between showers.
Rain showers I would assume. Hopefully you aren't running around in your yard naked trimming the grass.
- - - Updated - - -
Locally, we seem to have settled into a cycle of afternoon showers. For now, it's kind of nice.
That's what we get here between the monsoons and hurricanes. The problem with the daily showers is you can't start too many outside projects.
05-29-2023, 09:28
Rain showers I would assume. Hopefully you aren't running around in your yard naked trimming the grass.
And find my picture on the side bar of the Daily Mail website?
No. I don't need that.
Vern Humphrey
05-29-2023, 02:23
And find my picture on the side bar of the Daily Mail website?
No. I don't need that.
When my nakkid picture appeared there, I got 27 offers of marriage, from people of 4 different sexes.:evil6:
When my nakkid picture appeared there, I got 27 offers of marriage, from people of 4 different sexes.:evil6:
That tells you they lived in America.
Vern Humphrey
05-29-2023, 03:06
That tells you they lived in America.
I think at least two were from the planet Zolgarsh.
I think at least two were from the planet Zolgarsh.
Did any of them send a picture? You may have missed a great opportunity.
Vern Humphrey
05-29-2023, 03:38
Did any of them send a picture? You may have missed a great opportunity.
One looked like Nancy Pelosi and the other like Diane Feinstein -- on a bad day!
Vern Humphrey
05-29-2023, 03:49
Did any of them send a picture? You may have missed a great opportunity.
One looked like Nancy Pelosi, the other like Diane Feinstein -- on a bad day.
One looked like Nancy Pelosi, the other like Diane Feinstein -- on a bad day.
I see why you are a Republican.
Vern Humphrey
05-30-2023, 09:16
I see why you are a Republican.
It could have been worse -- Maxine Waters could have been in the group.
It could have been worse -- Maxine Waters could have been in the group.
No Lori Lightfoot?
Vern Humphrey
05-30-2023, 09:41
No Lori Lightfoot?
No. She's married to Popeye.
No. She's married to Popeye.
She's married to a woman.
As far as the morning coffee goes people are heading back to work or taking the rest of the week off that do work. Regardless, the Interstate Highways here are showing numerous wrecks, congestion, and delays due to all the volume. Good to be retired and not be a part of that rat race any longer.
Vern Humphrey
05-30-2023, 01:11
She's married to a woman.
Who woulda thought Popeye was trans?
Who woulda thought Popeye was trans?
The "woman" she married is the one who married Popeye.
Eye protection suggested.
05-31-2023, 07:46
At least they're unlikely to reproduce.
Vern Humphrey
05-31-2023, 08:57
At least they're unlikely to reproduce.
Can you imagine what their child would look like?
"There was an old man from Dundee
Who consorted with an ape in a tree.
Their child, it was horrid
All rump and no forehead
Three whatchamacallits and a purple goatee."
"There was an old man from Dundee
Who consorted with an ape in a tree.
Their child, it was horrid
All rump and no forehead
Three whatchamacallits and a purple goatee."
"One-eyed one horned flying purple people eater."
05-31-2023, 11:23
Can you imagine what their child would look like?
I'd rather not dwell on it.
05-31-2023, 07:24
I normally don't post coffee stuff during the week, but it is raining a LICK here - small hail, too! Haven't seen it rain this hard for a lot of years. Fortunately, I mowed this morning which was a good move since monsoons are supposed to continue for the next 4 or 5 days straight.
While I'm typing, I've been seeing a beaver pretty much every morning I get Flop Ears out to the pond for a hike around 0500. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be scared of people. Normally, they slap the water with their tail and take a dive. But "Wally" keeps right on paddling. This morning, it came closer - maybe 10 or 15 yards. I know people feed geese there - maybe it has acquired a taste for stale bread. I'll nick a dinner roll and give it a try one of these mornings. SW
saw a friend today that has a fox problem, as in too many
a young one came up to him, as in with in 10 feet or less, the other night and he grew a soft spot and said it was too cute to shoot,
had it been a yote,,, the buzzards would have eaten well
I've seen foxes at the county fairs displayed for children to pet. I suppose they are much like a dog and can be domesticated.
Doc Sharptail
06-01-2023, 02:34
While I'm typing, I've been seeing a beaver pretty much every morning I get Flop Ears out to the pond for a hike around 0500. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be scared of people. Normally, they slap the water with their tail and take a dive. But "Wally" keeps right on paddling. This morning, it came closer - maybe 10 or 15 yards. I know people feed geese there - maybe it has acquired a taste for stale bread. I'll nick a dinner roll and give it a try one of these mornings. SW
They actually get territorial to the extreme of rudeness here~ especially if there are young beaver in the lodge.
It is an act of aggression for them to come that close, and not feeding behaviour. Odds are high it's a female....
Doc Sharptail
06-01-2023, 03:50
Got it in my head foxes tend to smell bad and don't make good house pets.
I'm not going to swear to that. Never tried to house-sit one.
Got it in my head foxes tend to smell bad and don't make good house pets.
I'm not going to swear to that. Never tried to house-sit one.
There may be a lot of reasons they aren't used as house pets. I've only encountered one, a red fox at the mentioned fair grounds. I reached over and petted it and it seemed to enjoy the attention just like a dog and gave me that "look" as if to say "get me out of here and take me home". Didn't notice any odor but obviously the holding pens were in an airy area.
Opossums are another story. Some people have them as pets but opossums stink big time.
never knew anyone that has a possum for a pet,
knew some years ago that would trap them , put them in a cage for a week, to get the gamey taste out, (feed it corn etc then kill it in 7 days, )
supposedly good eats,
never tried one,
grandma had a pet coon, Sally (the Coon) had run of the house and would still go outside
we (Sally and I) used to share pop tarts when I was a wee tyke whilst watching Sat Morning Cartoons,
she went off one day and did not come back for a while, then showed up one day with a pile of little Coons on her back and with her,
then wandered off again,
never knew anyone that has a possum for a pet,
knew some years ago that would trap them , put them in a cage for a week, to get the gamey taste out, (feed it corn etc then kill it in 7 days, )
supposedly good eats,
never tried one,
grandma had a pet coon, Sally (the Coon) had run of the house and would still go outside
we (Sally and I) used to share pop tarts when I was a wee tyke whilst watching Sat Morning Cartoons,
she went off one day and did not come back for a while, then showed up one day with a pile of little Coons on her back and with her,
then wandered off again,
Coons make good pets if you're set up for it. I had a friend that had one. He kept it in a large cage at night in the house to keep it from plundering. When he was up and about, not in school, etc, the coon went everywhere he went and had run of the house too.
Coons are curious, they will get into EVERYTHING.
Opossums are greasy I hear. I've spoken with people who cooked them or knew someone who did and said they are sometimes baked with sweet potatoes. The potatoes help assorb some of the grease. Not for me. I knew one person who said he used to eat opossums but quit when he discovered they eat road kill.
Vern Humphrey
06-02-2023, 01:44
Opossums are greasy I hear. I've spoken with people who cooked them or knew someone who did and said they are sometimes baked with sweet potatoes. The potatoes help assorb some of the grease.
Hence that old southern term of endearment, 'Possum 'Tater.
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