View Full Version : Never forget.............

Dan Shapiro
05-28-2023, 08:13
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


05-28-2023, 08:45
1969, I rode from Okinawa to McChord AFB, WA on a C141 with flag draped coffins. I was the only stand-by pax, the only pax on board. Long way to think about lost friends and strangers I was riding with.

People thanking me for my service has become trite. I used to not say anything to them but now I say "Don't thank me; remember all those that didn't come back and vote for those that will honor them." Sometimes get a strange look, mostly not.

05-29-2023, 04:26
The real meaning of Memorial Day is best summed up by Charles Johnson Post, author of The Little War of Private Post, his recollections of the Cuban Campaign of 1898. The Spanish American War is a minor affray compared to the Civil War and the bloodlettings of the 20th Century, but as Post reminds us:
"Whether a man falls with 20,000othersin some grand battle or all by himself on a lonely outpost, he is a 100% casualty to himself. What more is there to give ?"

05-29-2023, 06:54

Vern Humphrey
05-29-2023, 02:16
The real meaning of Memorial Day is best summed up by Charles Johnson Post, author of The Little War of Private Post, his recollections of the Cuban Campaign of 1898. The Spanish American War is a minor affray compared to the Civil War and the bloodlettings of the 20th Century, but as Post reminds us:
"Whether a man falls with 20,000othersin some grand battle or all by himself on a lonely outpost, he is a 100% casualty to himself. What more is there to give ?"

Or as John W Thomason said (of the Banana Wars), "It wasn't a declared war, but a man could be killed as dead as anyone who fell in the Argonne."