View Full Version : Photographs (a chance to show off)
05-29-2023, 08:39
Landscapes / critters / dealer's choice.
I'm thinking one or two every once in awhile but your contributions are up to you.
(opening gambit) ...fairly recent
05-29-2023, 03:22
Certainly not showing off my photography skill - but some scenes from this part of the world. All taken with a cheap f5.6 135mm Zuiko on an OM1. SW
This goat was grazing by the road. When I neared, it pulled back to leave but snagged the tips of his horns in wire. Did a lot of bucking and jumping around... stopped to catch his breath - lowered his head and *bingo!* free!
Chuck wagon lnot far from Lance Creek, Wyo. Cowpoke working there said it had been used in the last 5 years. (1985)
Assortment of ranch equip on 20 Mile Rd between Lance Creek and Lost Springs, Wyo.
"Fixer upper". A fellow told me it was formerly ranch hand lodging. Probably just skunks or a badger live there now.
05-29-2023, 03:56
I appreciate the chance to see parts of the country I wouldn't otherwise.
No reason to sell yourself short on the picture taking.
You need to hear that.
Doc Sharptail
05-29-2023, 10:59
This is Hazel Creek, taken sometime last summer, with my sister fishing for pike.
I have seen several 10-12 lb-er's taken from that tiny shallow stream.
It is about 55 miles east of the home of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.
The bridge we are on is on the old and now closed section of Hwy. #15.
IIRC, nikon D-200 with nikkor "K" 50mm f2 at probably f5.6.
Sturgeon Creek at first ice-up a couple of years ago.
That creek is right here in the city, and I've lost count of the eater walleye I've caught there.
Nikon D-810 with nikkor "H" 50 mm f2 at f5.6 just after I bought the lens.
Those old Zuiko lenses have a reputation for excellent imagery, as shown in Hogger's photo's.
Doc Sharptail
05-30-2023, 12:39
My older son had his first fish on the stringer and I'd gone back to camp to grab the camera.
I got back in time to catch a shot of the younger boy pulling his 1st out of the water with the older holding his up for the camera.
His mother tried to reach for the pole but he was having none of that. Both boys landed their own fish.
Angel Lake, near Wells, Nevada
05-30-2023, 07:30
a sunrise
05-31-2023, 01:30
06-01-2023, 07:38
06-02-2023, 06:45
sometime prior to 1983. Local casino owner's ranch several miles south of me.
Darn near stepped on a coiled rattlesnake in the process of taking this.
...looking through the viewfinder while walking sideways
06-03-2023, 12:37
looking North along I-80
Vern Humphrey
06-03-2023, 02:17
looking North along I-80
Now you know why they call it "Nevada."
Edgar B. Speer
a 'footer' (more than 1000' long at 1004') with the Great Lakes Fleet.
has a self-unloading boom that is fed by a conveyor in the bottom of the hull.
has a carrying capacity of 73,7700 tons at a service rated speed of 14.75kts propelled by a pair of V-18, 9600hp diesels.
built in 1980.
seen here upbound in the St Clair River (heading into Lake Huron between Port Huron on the right and Sarnia Ontario on the left) with the USCGC Hollyhock in the back ground
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i couldnt find my 48-star flag for this shot but the rifle is a July 42 Springfield. original WWII era M1 helmet and liner. original WWII H&H corcoran jump boots, original Korean War dog-tags (my dads although he was USN and fortunately still living)
06-03-2023, 06:21
Nicely done.
...if you don't mind my saying so.
Nicely done.
...if you don't mind my saying so.
06-04-2023, 09:31
Ken The Kanuck
06-04-2023, 10:02
Another old picture, anyone quess where it was taken? The big rodents are a clue.
Can only be one place. I didn't those things were so tame.
Granny and the giant jack rabbit.
06-04-2023, 02:00
I've never seen one in person.
They don't seem at all skittish.
...more like they're hoping for a handout.
Mike "Doc" Emrick
award winning hockey play by play announcer.
He was the lead announcer for National Hockey League national telecasts on both NBC and NBCSN.
He has also won nine national Emmy Awards for excellence in sports broadcasting, the only hockey broadcaster to be honored with even one. On December 12, 2011, Emrick became the first member of the media to be inducted into the United States Hockey Hall of Fame.
he has many many awards. here he's at the Port Huron Prowlers hockey game. Mike was the announcer for the Port Huron Flags/Wings in the 60s and 70s before moving on to bigger games. he lives semi-locally and is seen around town on a regular basis
You guys have some great shots. Good pics that tell a story. Why do they call it Nevada?
You know a lot of about the big ships in the area. I saw a big ship unloading coal in southern Alaska. The conveyor was [about] a quarter mile long.
06-05-2023, 06:06
Why do they call it Nevada?
I call it 'home' but I believe the reference is to 'snow covered'.
Most of my pics, (so far) show the view to the east from my driveway.
There's a mountain in the way when I look to the west. (house marked by the red dot)
You know a lot of about the big ships in the area. I saw a big ship unloading coal in southern Alaska. The conveyor was [about] a quarter mile long.
lived here all but 8 of 58yrs. a hobby of mine to go down to the river and shoot boats
Lee A. Tregurtha was originally a Navy Oiler built in 1942 as the USS Chiwawa. was present in Tokyo Bay for the signing of the surrender documents. was lengthened post war by having a section added to the middle and sailed as Walter S. Sterling. then sold to Ford Motor Company who had their own fleet of ore boats and named William Clay Ford (II). sold to Interlake Steamship Company she had her steam turbine engine removed for two 4,000hp diesels and had a variable pitch screw fitted.
one shot
06-05-2023, 06:57
I've never seen one in person.
They don't seem at all skittish.
...more like they're hoping for a handout.
republicans ?
06-05-2023, 07:42
republicans ?
I'm not trading political insults with you.
...try the politics forum
Phloating Phlasher
06-05-2023, 09:59
First sighting of the year.
I've seen sign, hoof-prints, nibbled twigs & scat but there he was bold as brass at 12:00.
Nice sized buck still in velvet in velvet.
06-05-2023, 11:00
yours looks about ready to bolt.
Mine settle in. They're used to me.
Mule deer in velvet
waiting for the apples to ripen (still in velvet)
06-05-2023, 11:25
Body language lets you know when you're too close.
I'm surprised all these bucks get along so well. Must not be mating season.
06-05-2023, 11:38
These two tend to hang out together
I wonder if they would like Bud Light?
Trees in the foreground (closest), are those walnut, ash or something else?
06-05-2023, 12:11
Once the velvet's off they usually show up solo.
Tree to the right is a Chinese Elm.
On the left are Tree of Heaven (Chinese Sumac), invasive weeds in most parts of the country. Fairly easy to control if you live where rain is rare.
We average 6" of precipitation a year where I live. Water something and it might live.
We average 6" of precipitation a year where I live. Water something and it might live.
We have some Sumac here (leaves look the same) but its more of a scrub (weed) with bright orange or white flowers.
6"? We get that a week. Don't want it. Don't need it but we get it.
We don't have rocks here unless they are brought in from other places to prevent erosion or make jetties along the shoreline. My geology teacher in college said where a lot of places have feldspar we have clay instead due to small amounts of acid in the rains and practically non-stop rains over millions of years. I'm not going to fact check her but I believe her.
06-05-2023, 04:10
I can't imagine wandering around the hills and not picking up rocks.
06-06-2023, 01:38
view to the south-
06-07-2023, 08:15
Nice composition there.
06-08-2023, 08:50
Strong 'noir' vibe.
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Elk all the way to the distant tree line.
06-10-2023, 07:24
my friend Laura
06-10-2023, 06:30
06-11-2023, 02:48
06-13-2023, 11:38
06-14-2023, 10:41
06-14-2023, 09:59
I was 16 when I first met my father and he gave me a Kodak Retinette. no meter / no rangefinder capability
I've had people tell me it was an entry level camera, at best. No doubt they're right but to me, it was the nicest camera I'd ever had my hands on and I felt an obligation to figure out what all the numbers and settings were for. While I still have pictures from the first rolls I ever took with it...
the following is the picture I wanted to take once I got back from gill netting on Bristol Bay that summer.
I used to pass by it every day while riding the school bus back and forth then, later on my way to and from work.
I meant to take this shot for the longest time. Even so, I figure I got lucky with the converging paths and the cloud lending impact that wouldn't be there in a simple 'record' shot.
I also figure it's going to make for a good closing image.
more on that grave-
"On the hillside above U.S. Highway 395, near Steamboat Springs, you can find a dark, gray granite marker carved with the image of a covered wagon. Carved words state the spot is the final resting place of Jeremiah Rogers, native of Indiana, born 1830 and died 1861. Rogers apparently died while making the journey to California. Fortunately for him, 20th century descendants hunted down the site of his grave and erected the impressive marker and a small fence to protect his final resting place."
Thanx for the opportunity to share.
Thanx for the opportunity to share.
Thanx for posting.
Doc Sharptail
06-15-2023, 07:57
I was 16 when I first met my father and he gave me a Kodak Retinette. no meter / no rangefinder capability
Some got very good glass~ Schneider Kreuznachs and the like. Some also wore American glass that was almost the equivalent of the German stuff.
I would hesitate to call them entry level. Zone focusing and full manual control were the way things were done for the longest time. Coupled rangefinders may have been around, but they were barely affordable in that time period. Image Quality (I/Q) was very high for the retina/retinette series, and they were amongst the first proof that smaller formats would be a viable proposition. Their history is definitely worth looking up.
Doc Sharptail
06-15-2023, 12:51
"Their history is definitely worth looking up."
Would knowing any of that help anyone take better pictures?
I've always viewed my Retinette IIa as having interest to me primarily because it was a gift from my father. There's a story there that I won't get into.
Something that's held my interest in photography has been the opportunity to dive into the various sub-sets of science and art(s) entailed. Just like racing involves a variety of things a guy can get into and still be out racing, two people can be focused on different aspects of photography and still be into photography.
I keep telling myself I'm a print guy.
I admire the thought and effort Ansel Adams and Ed Weston put into their images.
That doesn't mean I follow their rules and guidelines or that I even try, just that I admire their focus.
06-18-2023, 11:27
PlusX developed in Microdol
50MM stock lens @ wide open aperture / hand held
06-20-2023, 09:03
not unrelated...
I was out chasing deer around in the Ruby Mountains and found a patch of rock chips and flakes that weren't native to the area.
A person could easily skin a rabbit with this sucker.
06-20-2023, 09:16
06-22-2023, 09:24
I always struggle with reflective surfaces.
Doc Sharptail
06-22-2023, 01:23
I always struggle with reflective surfaces.
Still a nice photo.
If you can't control your light source, a polarizer filter will reduce those glaring reflections immensely, at a cost of 1-1/2 to 2 stops exposure. If you are working from Windows 10, dialing back on the highlights in the Win editing suite will help. Lightroom/Photoshop are supposed to be way better for that sort of thing. Overly heavy editing does show though, and it's always best to start with the image taking conditions first.
Doc Sharptail
06-22-2023, 05:05
Thanx !
06-24-2023, 12:20
06-25-2023, 09:32
Quartz crystals (Chinese)
06-26-2023, 06:41
Here is how I look at this photo game. Each photo you take, becomes something that you saw and admired enough to press that button. That instant in time is never repeated. If you think about it, each print tells a story. Most likely one that you envisioned within your mind if only for an instant. Anyone that is fortunate to view that print will probably see it as having a different story about it than what you envisioned. All photos have a story to tell, we only have to use our imagination unless we are the photographer as he or she knows the real story behind the print.
I like it, done well. John
06-26-2023, 09:27
Here is how I look at this photo game. Each photo you take, becomes something that you saw and admired enough to press that button. That instant in time is never repeated. If you think about it, each print tells a story. Most likely one that you envisioned within your mind if only for an instant. Anyone that is fortunate to view that print will probably see it as having a different story about it than what you envisioned. All photos have a story to tell, we only have to use our imagination unless we are the photographer as he or she knows the real story behind the print.
*** John
Interesting viewpoints John.
I used to say "Anything worth looking at twice is worth a picture."
Have you ever had one person stand out from a crowd like nobody else is there?
(I'd probably get yelled at trying to take this shot nowadays)
I used to say lots of stuff, including... "If I have to explain my shots, I'm not doing it right."
What I miss, what I don't get posting images on-line is watching how the viewer's eyes moves across the image, seeing what holds someone's attention and their reactions.
Honestly, if an image makes someone pause for a second or nets even the slightest of smiles, I'm a happy camper.
I took these at a Reno, Grateful Dead concert.
I was freshly home from an overseas tour and decided I wanted to be around people (female women).
06-28-2023, 10:06
print mounting
06-29-2023, 08:18
06-29-2023, 09:03
Dragonsdad, I understand where you are coming from regarding a second look. With me a bit difference. A second look was required because I couldn't believe what I saw and that became the line to cross. Was it worth the effort to take that photo and use up some film. Now, I just try to make up my mind on the first look even with the digital camera. My only regret is that I find I was able to do more with a 35 mm than with the inexpensive digital I purchased some years ago. Now it is a choice, do I get a replacement digital camera of better quality or stock up on reloading supplies.
06-30-2023, 07:40
Dragonsdad, I understand where you are coming from regarding a second look. With me a bit difference. A second look was required because I couldn't believe what I saw and that became the line to cross. Was it worth the effort to take that photo and use up some film. Now, I just try to make up my mind on the first look even with the digital camera. My only regret is that I find I was able to do more with a 35 mm than with the inexpensive digital I purchased some years ago. Now it is a choice, do I get a replacement digital camera of better quality or stock up on reloading supplies.
My younger son (35) is fond of reminding me entire forums are dedicated to smart phone photography.
I have to admit, having a cell handy beats not having anything.
(Samsung Galaxy)
I took the following with an older point & shoot.
(6 meg / HP Photosmart)
Point I'm trying to make, there's no wrong way to do this. While nice gear can provide the motivation to go out and use same, reloading supplies are less likely to disappear when your back's turned. If I had the time and money to pursue all my interests I'd probably develop a new one that'd either leave me broke or kill me outright. I've made my choice. I'd be out of line to suggest anyone else do otherwise.
Doc Sharptail
06-30-2023, 08:44
Some of the older smart phones are all right, once you get your head around the limitations of the small sensor.
I had an S-6 that was a whiz at riflescope reticle pictures.
Pretty much the same thing with the majority of the point and shoot digitals, with the largest sensor available in one being the equivalent of APSC/DX format. I suppose it all boils down to your satisfaction level when it comes to images, and what can be done with them.
Personally, the I/Q of full frame/FX formats is the way to go for me, especially when it comes to capturing fine detail. The ability to make large scale prints from the 24x36mm sensor is worth the trouble.
It would be worth it to investigate used when it comes time to consider an improved, or better camera. My current camera was bought used in slightly beater condition for less than 1/3 of the price of new. It took a bit of time and looking around to find it, but in the long run, for me, very worth while...
Doc Sharptail
06-30-2023, 03:04
You come across as having the ability to retain information, a skill I'm deficient in.
You also make a very good point about used gear. I've seen a lot of estate sale / inheritance stuff come and go on Craigslist.
Phloating Phlasher
06-30-2023, 03:54
I've done multi-image stitched panoramas with my Finepix digital with no problems except the transition from front to side to back light.
I level everything & go to a mild telephoto & shoot vertical format with a slight overlap.
Not sure how well it will render but I'll try.
This is at about 25%
06-30-2023, 07:00
Dragonsdad, I like both your photos. Nicely done. Buy the way, does that aircraft happen to be a Yak 9?
Phlasher, very nicely done composite. From others I have seen, mine included, seems that the most difficult part other than overlapping the shots is making sure your tripod, if being used, is level. Otherwise even with overlapping it seems to provide a bowel effect when joined together.
Very nice work Guys.
06-30-2023, 08:18
*** does that aircraft happen to be a Yak 9?
Sorry, John;
I can attest to a YAK 11 outfitted in very similar livery having flown at the Reno Air Races and that's about it. Truth is, I was working with a 2 hour window after finishing the work I'd been contracted to do and started wandering, taking pictures as I went. The actual event hadn't opened to the public yet and people kept inviting me into areas I knew I couldn't justify being in. Rather than embarrass myself and waste anyone's time, I stuck to just taking snaps.
same day, nothing (that I could tell) to do with the Air Races, sitting by itself in a hanger, somebody's baby-
Doc Sharptail
07-01-2023, 09:14
You come across as having the ability to retain information
Not really, but thanks for thinking so. :icon_wink:
When it comes to stuff like the in-law's kids names, I'm a total loss, among other things...
I've mentioned it before- KEH camera is a good place to start, both as a reference point, and some fairly good deals.
And no, I don't work for them, or have any affiliation...
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
07-01-2023, 12:23
even with overlapping it seems to provide a bowel effect when joined together.
That's why I shoot vertical & use a mild telephoto!
I know its counter-intuitive to get panoramas with a tele, but what you're seeing as a "bowl effect" is cause by perspective from wide angle, or to a lesser extent, standard length lenses. As mild tele (about double standard, no more, flattens the perspective slightly making for a flatter transition from edge to center of each image.
Leveling needs to have the tripod legs & head dead horizontal, not just the camera platform. I have a couple of cheap bubble level capsules on the actual top platform below the ball or pan/tilt head for just that reason then a second bubble in the flash shoe lets me get everything dead level before I start.
Vern Humphrey
07-01-2023, 06:01
When it comes to stuff like the in-law's kids names, I'm a total loss, among other things...
The way I see it, if civilians want me to remember their names, they can bloody well wear name tags like normal people.
07-03-2023, 08:39
07-07-2023, 10:25
This is how you get when it doesn't rain very often. Clouds show up and you start looking around for a camera.
That thin streak of silver in the image above is the edge of the lake in the following shot. Mountain fuzzed out by the rain.
Basically, you're looking back towards the house.
07-09-2023, 06:35
time of day- late evening / sun dropped behind the mountain awhile ago
High altitude contrail still in full sunlight, roughly lining up with a break in the lower altitude and much darker rain clouds.
07-09-2023, 05:50
All of these shots are a whole lot sharper before posting.
Ken The Kanuck
07-09-2023, 08:50
Not too happy, sent him in to a field about 300 yards out with about 3' of fresh snow to take a look at some elk tracks.53290
Doc Sharptail
07-09-2023, 09:25
All of these shots are a whole lot sharper before posting.
Consider hosting elsewhere from the forum- it probably doesn't have the bandwidth to support quality imagery.
Doc Sharptail
- - - Updated - - -
Not too happy, sent him in to a field about 300 yards out with about 3' of fresh snow to take a look at some elk tracks.53290
I had the exact same down-filled parka from I *think* the Bay. Literally wore it to pieces. The down lining required dry cleaning to maintain the warmth. Kept me going as cold as minus 40 C.
Doc Sharptail
07-09-2023, 10:22
Consider hosting elsewhere from the forum- it probably doesn't have the bandwidth to support quality imagery.
Doc Sharptail
Probably good advice.
Honestly, I don't feel it's worth the expense or effort just to pass around a few pics.
Thanx anyway.
Doc Sharptail
07-09-2023, 10:35
I use Imgur, which is free. I don't use their editing- it's far too slow. I edit from my laptop, and simply "host" from Imgur.
Once I got the hang of it it, it turned out to be minimal effort- just to run two reduced windows at once is about it.
Doc Sharptail
Ken The Kanuck
07-10-2023, 09:19
Consider hosting elsewhere from the forum- it probably doesn't have the bandwidth to support quality imagery.
Doc Sharptail
- - - Updated - - -
I had the exact same down-filled parka from I *think* the Bay. Literally wore it to pieces. The down lining required dry cleaning to maintain the warmth. Kept me going as cold as minus 40 C.
Doc Sharptail
Yes, I believe I bought that one in Prince George at the Bay when I was in my twenties, as you can see my son was still wearing it about 30 years later, great jacket.
Phloating Phlasher
07-10-2023, 05:01
^^^ THIS!
07-13-2023, 11:46
There are no hills, water, solid or semi-solid surfaces in this image.
...only moonlight and clouds.
07-14-2023, 02:10
This,53334 is what it is.
I offer no explanations.
Ken The Kanuck
07-15-2023, 01:35
Mile 0, ever been there?
07-16-2023, 12:13
cell (flip phone) shot
07-17-2023, 05:55
"upload failed"
Phloating Phlasher
07-18-2023, 10:22
Just another tecchie shot on using the Lanksy knife sharpener. Knife is a Puma "White Hunter".
Ken The Kanuck
07-25-2023, 07:51
Just spent a week and a half at the lake. Fishing was slow but my grandson got a nice rainbow for breakfast. Any way to rotate the Picture?
Doc Sharptail
07-25-2023, 09:24
There ya go.
Doc Sharptail
center of web was bigger than a 12" LP,
not seen one with the 'dash' pattern around the edges of the web before,
shot slightly towards or almost facing the morning sun,
this shot is with the sun to my back, not as visible
shot with a Pixel 7 Pro,
Ken The Kanuck
07-26-2023, 11:10
Thank you !
Phloating Phlasher
07-26-2023, 02:49
The zigzag is a "trademark" of the Yellow Garden Spider.
"Argiope aurantia is a species of spider, commonly known as the yellow garden spider, black and yellow garden spider, golden garden spider, writing spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, black and yellow argiope, corn spider, Steeler spider, or McKinley spider."
07-26-2023, 03:27
Good job there Doc.
07-26-2023, 05:08
Nicely done.
Great shot!
The zigzag is a "trademark" of the Yellow Garden Spider.
"Argiope aurantia is a species of spider, commonly known as the yellow garden spider, black and yellow garden spider, golden garden spider, writing spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, black and yellow argiope, corn spider, Steeler spider, or McKinley spider."
it's not really a zig zag,
had plenty of the big spiders in the area of the shop, and at both my first and current house,
this one was still there today, and the spider is a smaller darker spider,
either way, they do good, and are facinating,
my first house had a full front porch, and the big yellow and orange ones would sometimes build a web between the posts, some days we would have 4 or 5 webs going on the porch,
Doc Sharptail
07-26-2023, 08:46
Nicely done.
Great shot!
Just to be clear.... the mountain lake photo is not mine- it's Ken the Canuck's. All I did was rotate it for him.
(I don't think I have a lens that technically perfect in my film era manual focus lens collection~ which is all I use.)
Doc Sharptail
07-26-2023, 10:49
Just to be clear.... the mountain lake photo is not mine- it's Ken the Canuck's. All I did was rotate it for him.
Understood and very commendable of you to make sure that no theft of any sort was attempted.
I was able to follow the progression. ...honest
Ken took a very nice picture and you did a timely job of image rotation.
I didn't mean to complicate this. I didn't notice the forum's attribution until I re-read my post.
I have a hard on for yellow spiders. Well, as hard as it gets. I kept getting bit in the night and had welts in the rare areas. I went to my doctor, and he said it was internal (he's been wrong before). Luck was with me; I happened to see a little yellow spider in the house. I looked it up and it was described as the Yellow Sack Spider. I bombed the house. That involved taping off everything, covering everything and leaving on a campout for a couple of days. Hasn't happened since. The eight legged bastards. Oh, and I don't fear spiders as much as ticks. We do have ticks in Arizona. That's another story.
Ken The Kanuck
07-28-2023, 06:54
Understood and very commendable of you to make sure that no theft of any sort was attempted.
I was able to follow the progression. ...honest
Ken took a very nice picture and you did a timely job of image rotation.
I didn't mean to complicate this. I didn't notice the forum's attribution until I re-read my post.
Just to muddy the waters a bit more. my DIL took this picture. It shows the point where our cabin is.
Thanks to all for the help and kind words.
07-29-2023, 07:38
From time to time I'll come across an Orb Spider that I'll more or less adopt. This year, it's a web under the porch overhang that I try not to mess with. Anything that cuts down on the number of bugs trying to get inside is okay by me.
the web is still there in in good shape,
usually they don't last this long,
must be good hunting, since another spider has a smaller sized web on the same tree,,
put the Canon 5D4 and lenses away,
loaded a YashicaMat124G with 12 exposures of Kodak Tmax 100 and grabbed my tripod and Weston Master III light meter, then headed downtown
one shot was showed some camera shake (the shutter/winder seemed to have a mind of its own) and a couple of back lit buildings, had more shadow than what would have been indicated by the meter reading
this young lady gladly continued working while i metered, composed and shot these two photos
Doc Sharptail
07-30-2023, 11:15
That ain't bad at all.
Is this the current version of T-max 100, or is it freezer stored?
I've come across T-max shots on another board that showed very impressive tonal range.
The T-grains seem more responsive to light than the old stand by Plus-X/FP-4.
I can't remember what system the Weston lll is~ selenium cell, carbon strip or p-d cell.
Yashica glass was very good, and the 124G enjoys a bit of a cult following.
Doc Sharptail
Phloating Phlasher
07-30-2023, 11:40
Weston 3, 4, & 5 are all selenium. The "Ranger-9" was the first CdS.
Big honkin' sensor behind the trapdoor for bright conditions & the clip in incident cone.
The Mat 124 was my preferred backup camera when doing wedding photography. I never needed a separate meter with it because the built in CdS one was pretty accurate.
Best exposure system I ever used was a Weston Master V. Take a reflected reading turn 180?, clip on the Invercone, take an incident reading Average the EV's & pick the shutter speed aperture desired for the shot.
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