View Full Version : A Coyote Catching and eating a squirrel in a city with people around
The scene may be disturbing to some people so please use discretion in wanting to watch it
Two things that makes this video unusual is that the squirrel is completely black and it took place in a city with people close by and some watching
Phloating Phlasher
06-02-2023, 04:01
All black squirrels are common in parts of NYC. Maybe other places too?
'Yotes are survivors, they thrive in urban environments.
Welcome to the circle of life.
I personally wouldn't walk that close to a coyote but apparently the 'yotes are as comfortable around people there as the squirrels.
I've seen housecats eat rats and squirrels exactly the same way, head first almost like they were eating a candy bar. You could hear those bones pop.
Both gray and fox squirrels have black variations, more common some places than others. Down here you don't see the black version very much but they do show up now and then.
06-02-2023, 05:36
Wile E. gots to eat, too. SW
Both gray and fox squirrels have black variations, more common some places than others. Down here you don't see the black version very much but they do show up now and then.
My brother shot a solid black squirrel with a bright red tail when he was young. My dad took it to a taxidermist to be stuffed/mounted and the guy went out of business taking the squirrel with him.
Fox squirrels here are rare and some of them get as big as a big tom cat. They are solitary animals. If you see one that is all you see. They don't plunder and get into bird feeders and such like the common gray squirrels.
Vern Humphrey
06-02-2023, 06:35
My brother shot a solid black squirrel with a bright red tail when he was young. My dad took it to a taxidermist to be stuffed/mounted and the guy went out of business taking the squirrel with him.
Fox squirrels here are rare and some of them get as big as a big tom cat. They are solitary animals. If you see one that is all you see. They don't plunder and get into bird feeders and such like the common gray squirrels.
That's why there's fewer of them.
Ken The Kanuck
06-02-2023, 07:04
The squirrels native to my part of the world are called Douglas squirrels. Unfortunately some folks decided to bring the bigger eastern gray and black squirrels out here. Pretty much run off the Douglas squirrels as they are so much smaller. Pretty soon all we will have are eastern wetbacks.
Wile E. gots to eat, too. SW
If his cartoons had continued perhaps we would have seen these episodes.
How many of those onlookers thought the coyote was just a dog?
I’m guessing about half!
How many of those onlookers thought the coyote was just a dog?
I?m guessing about half!
I'm guessing you're right, and its probably more than half.
My mother grew up until she was 12 0r 13 on a working cattle ranch before her family sold out in the mid 1920s, so knew about local wildlife. At that time there weren't any coyotes in southeast Texas, boy has that changed! One day she was walking in town with her father and saw a fellow walking with an unusual looking dog on a leash, when she mentioned it to her father he said "Doll, that's not a dog, that's a Coyote." Yep there was a guy in town who had a pet 'yote. I don't think that's a real swift idea but when I was a kid there were people who had pet skunks (one of my sisters-in-law) and racoons too, one fellow I know had a pet crow :icon_e_surprised: . The old boy with a crow said that bird was the biggest troublemaker you can imagine, not only very smart but very mischievous. The bird could break into things you'd never imagine and would not only steal stuff but would hide it. In my mature years I've gotten to where I believe wild animal pets are a generally bad idea for too many reasons to go into here.
Ken The Kanuck
06-03-2023, 08:08
Here is one for you Art.,Notoriety,letting%20him%20free%20in%202015.
Vern Humphrey
06-03-2023, 08:38
There's a big cat preserve at Turpentine Creek, Arkansas, right outside of Eureka Springs. They have about a hundred big cats, including a full-grown tiger that someone had as a pet. He decided he didn't want it any more, so he drove up to Ponca, on the Buffalo Wilderness, and kicked it out of his truck!
About four days later, it showed up at his house again and this time he called the big cat preserve.
A picture of a zoo keeper and my wife years ago. Cat weighed about 40# then.
Vern Humphrey
06-03-2023, 09:11
A picture of a zoo keeper and my wife years ago. Cat weighed about 40# then.
At Turpentine Creek they say do NOT pet lions and tigers!
At Turpentine Creek they say do NOT pet lions and tigers!
These cats and other young animals go home with the zookeepers at night where they play and have run of the house. They get use to certain people.
The cat in the picture is a male. His sister was colored as a normal tiger (Bengal). At the time of the picture the cat had a fractured leg due to jumping off a coffee table and landing wrong at the zookeepers home. When my wife was bottle feeding him she would have to shift him around a little due to his weight. Once the shifting caused him discomfort (due to the injured leg) and he let out a growl while in her lap. Needless to say, my wife wasn't expecting that. I saw and petted the cat after it became fully grown. They were declawed but still had their teeth.
As far as the general public touching wild animals, everyone is going to approach them a little differently with some people being cruel so yeah, it's best to post such signs telling people look but don't touch, pet or irritate the animals. The zoo where these animals are kept have secondary perimeter fence's so people can't reach in far enough to touch.
Vern Humphrey
06-03-2023, 09:48
Remember Seigfried and Roy?
During a show at the Mirage on Roy Horn's birthday on October 3, 2003, a seven-year-old white tiger named Mantacore attacked Horn. (The name of the tiger has frequently been misspelled as "Montecore" in media reports.) As part of the act, but veering off script, Horn held his microphone to Mantacore's mouth and told him to say "hello" to the audience. Mantacore responded by biting Horn's sleeve. Horn swatted the tiger and barked "release!", while standby trainers unsuccessfully attempted to distract the cat with cubes of meat. Possibly incited by Horn's retreat, the tiger leapt at Horn, swinging at his legs and knocking him off his feet.
As trainers rushed in from offstage to assist, Mantacore bit into Horn's neck and dragged him offstage. Trainers got the tiger to release Horn by spraying him with CO2 fire extinguisher canisters, the last resort available.
The attack severed Horn's spine, resulted in massive blood loss, and severely injured other parts of his body, permanently impairing his motor and verbal abilities. He also had a stroke either before or after Mantacore dragged him offstage.
Yeah, they can be unpredictable. When I visited the cat after it was fully grown it was kept on a leash when out of his fenced area.
I like horses but don't care to ride them as they have a mind of their own and can will do what they want to do.
In this regard I always preferred a motorcycle. It goes when you want it to and stops when you want it to. Occasionally though they will flip over or run into a tree when you're least expecting it. Yeah, those days are over for me--lucky to still be alive I guess.
Vern Humphrey
06-03-2023, 01:59
Yeah, they can be unpredictable. When I visited the cat after it was fully grown it was kept on a leash when out of his fenced area.
I like horses but don't care to ride them as they have a mind of their own and can will do what they want to do.
In this regard I always preferred a motorcycle. It goes when you want it to and stops when you want it to. Occasionally though they will flip over or run into a tree when you're least expecting it. Yeah, those days are over for me--lucky to still be alive I guess.
My Grandfather was killed on a motorcycle -- he was a Highway Patrolman chasing a speeder and someone backed out onto the road in front of him. My Dad left college (he was a Senior) and took Grandpa's job. The Highway Patrol had a motorcycle demonstration team -- I have a picture of Dad going around a track standing on the seat, arms outstretched.
Later on. he was racing on an Indian motorcycle, which had tape wrapped around the handlebars. The motorcycle did not have a throttle (this was a pure racing bike.) Instead it had a button that would blip the magneto and cause it to misfire and slow down. A piece of tape got between the contacts, and he couldn't slow down -- he left the track at 80 and broke his back.
Hal O'Peridol
06-04-2023, 04:06
UBC is the University Of British Columbia outside of Vancouver BC. The native squirrels out here are black, nothing unusual. Coyotes cannot live on tofu and vegan handouts from the students on campus.
Vern Humphrey
06-04-2023, 12:32
UBC is the University Of British Columbia outside of Vancouver BC. The native squirrels out here are black, nothing unusual. Coyotes cannot live on tofu and vegan handouts from the students on campus.
People can't live on toe foo, either -- we don't have enough toes.
Phloating Phlasher
06-04-2023, 06:38
Over the years I've worked with Zoos & circuses quite a lot.
I became close to with a full grown Bengal tiger. Everyone told d me the same thing.
"Never forget its a wild animal"
I could access large cow thighbones, with a small amount of meat on them, but chock full of bone marrow. My father supervised a large commercial kitchen.
I'd take them to the zoo as "treats"for the big cats.
I had at least 2 people with me when i gave them to the cats. "Gave" is a misnomer, I threw them from a considerable distance into the enclosures.
Don't know about lions but tigers like the water too, as in laying in the water to cool off. Very un-cat like.
Phloating Phlasher
06-05-2023, 09:53
Oh, they love the water!
I remember taking some publicity stills at Blackpool, they took the tigers across the road to the beach to swim regularly. Usually at really really early in the morning before rubbernecks showed up.
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