View Full Version : Little Guns/New York Reload

06-09-2023, 06:04

Very early Paul Harrell video on little guns.

Back in the old days New York Police Officers were required to buy two guns, a revolver to wear with the uniform and an off duty small revolver. Both had to be in .38 Special. Back then the issue ammo was the Remington version of the 158 gr. lead semi wadcutter. After annual training and qualification which lasted a week and during which the officer fired off his last years issue he was given a new issue. These cartridges came in a special 18 round Remington green box. Six for the duty gun, six for the off duty gun and six for the belt loops.

Most officers carried their off duty revolver as a back up when in uniform and if they got into a shoot out instead of reloading the on duty revolver from belt loops the cop would usually pull his backup. This came to be known as "the New York reload." As one Deputy US Marshall once told me, "real speed loading is a second gun." In this little video Harrell takes the New York Reload to a new level :evil6: .

06-09-2023, 06:31
Good endorsement for the S&W 36. They deserve it.

Good mention of the 25acp as well. The bullet made it all the way to the can and then still had the power to pierce it.

I wish this and all future videos would use Bud Light cans (un-opened) as targets.

06-09-2023, 04:24
Only if the Bud is free.

06-11-2023, 06:00
Don't shoot anymore but I used to like shooting
my Hopkins and Allen 38 (my BP loads). The revolver
has flawless plating but a worn bore. Like to think it was
a Lady's petticoat gun - seems she had to defend herself a lot.
My more modern mini is a Phoenix 22. Had to operate
in order to remove excess safety features.

06-11-2023, 10:13
Just discovered Paul Harrell. Not only is he a very good marksman but he is great to listen to. I remember the NAA pistols. I thought they were a great idea for self defense in a pinch. So, I have a little Taurus .380 that weighs nothing. I keep it in the fanny pack. It's totally inaccurate. I need to take it out again to get some idea where to aim with it. But the last S&W .38 snubby wasn't great either (but it was consistent).
The previous .38 S&W made me look like I knew what I was doing. That little nickel plated pistola was right on the money. I sell things that work and then look for its duplicate and am disappointed.

06-12-2023, 05:34
Harrell is an interesting fellow. He was a combat soldier who also "saw the elephant" in a civilian self defense situation. I find his videos very well thought out. One of his more interesting and probably expensive innovations is the "meat target."