View Full Version : A $120K speeding ticket

06-09-2023, 01:53

It is almost that bad here in Arkansas! I was sitting at a stoplight in the left turn lane. Traffic was heavy and I had sat through 3 turns. On the the 3rd, the car in the through lane was a cop car. When the light turned green the cop car did not move and the cop took his hand off the steering wheel and pointed at me. I fell for it and made the turn! Of course he pulled me over and wrote me a ticket. It cost me $2,048! $248 for the fine and $1,800 for the increase in my auto insurance ($600/year for 3 years increase in insurance cost).

06-09-2023, 03:39
Finland has a good idea on how to deal with traffic violations. Truth is, some folks would not notice $120K ticket. In my area some folks will drive right through a school zone like it isn't there. They scream and holler when they get caught ... when is the operative word. This approach would very likely make such people pay attention and obey the speed limit. Remember one of my in-laws who got a ticket for a little over $900. He complained all the time were out that week camping. He would not discuss what he was cited for doing. That was back in 2004. Reckon what the cost of that ticket might be today? Sincerely. bruce.

Johnny P
06-09-2023, 06:08
Really sick Arkansas State Trooper. Forgets speeder to retaliate against DAV that honked at him. Killed one person and severly injured another with a bean bag to the face.


06-09-2023, 09:34
I don't think I want to see this.

Johnny P
06-10-2023, 06:27
There are law firms now devoted to fighting traffic tickets for you. Not cheap, but cheaper than increased insurance premiums, and all the lingering problems.

Years ago I was stopped for doing 68 in a 55. There was a vehicle between me and the trooper, so I don't know how the cop determined I was doing 68. Went to court and explained it to the judge, and that i was doing 58 and not 68. Judge said 58 was still speeding, even though I wasn't doing 68. Pay the fine.

Bought a good radar detector.

06-10-2023, 08:13
got a ticket last month, I think it was just a hair over 200,

was in court one day for a shoplifter , and the case before had a guy that was speeding,
90 + thru a work zone, cop chased him a mile or so to get him to stop,

he got time, (memory seems to say it was 3 yrs)

but he was an arrogant prick in court, judge was not very happy