View Full Version : No one likes anyones elses music. More Josh.

06-13-2023, 08:55
Music made by request for an old time awful movie. Don't bail yet; You will forget how awful the movie was as the music sneaks up on you. Actually, you will enjoy the snips of the movie. I've probably spoiled it already.
Turner and Mckee. They are as good as Simon and Garfunkel. I know I'm dating myself. Times have changed, no one today would walk down a hill with high heals. But dang, some girls are good at that, I've seen it.


06-27-2023, 07:59
OK, last one on this thread. I never heard of Larry Campbell before this week. I came across him playing in Levon Helms little band (not the real Band). Him and Teresa do a lot of music together and it's impressive. This is a toe tapper. Good concert, barroom music. The drummer knows what to do.
