View Full Version : Saturday coffee June 17
06-17-2023, 05:24
Plenty of rain this week. I've discovered when the weather guesser says 0% chance, better roll the windows up. Must be nice to have a job where you're wrong so much and still get paid. 49 this morning and it felt nice!
The annual father's day car show is going on, and the parade might not get rained out. Maybe. Some neat old rides cruising Haystack. One that really caught my attention was a 50s vintage Hudson sedan with Texas plates. It was sitting right but just clear coat for paint.
"Shift-o-matic" tranny. A fellow from Colo has a vintage COE tractor & double deck car trailer. Brings 6 way cool hot rods every year.
Might wander down to main st & watch the parade... might not.
Lawn is close to needing mowed again, but not today. Tomorrow doesn't look good, either. Back to being quiet now so wifey can snooze. SW
gunshow weekend,
the 'big one' in NOVA,
decent day yesterday, hopefully that will continue,
this is not the best month for this show, lots of folks on vacation since most high schools graduated in the past 2 weeks,
Plenty of rain this week. I've discovered when the weather guesser says 0% chance, better roll the windows up. Must be nice to have a job where you're wrong so much and still get paid.
For the most part they are incapable of making a 10 hour forecast yet they predict a 10 DAY forecast which changes every few hours.
Doc Sharptail
06-17-2023, 07:33
Plenty of rain this week. I've discovered when the weather guesser says 0% chance, better roll the windows up. Must be nice to have a job where you're wrong so much and still get paid. 49 this morning and it felt nice!
The annual father's day car show is going on, and the parade might not get rained out. Maybe. Some neat old rides cruising Haystack. One that really caught my attention was a 50s vintage Hudson sedan with Texas plates. It was sitting right but just clear coat for paint.
"Shift-o-matic" tranny. A fellow from Colo has a vintage COE tractor & double deck car trailer. Brings 6 way cool hot rods every year.
Might wander down to main st & watch the parade... might not.
Lawn is close to needing mowed again, but not today. Tomorrow doesn't look good, either. Back to being quiet now so wifey can snooze. SW
Get pix if you go. Would be reason enough for me, but I like photographing those old cars. I should go down Portage west and see what's around this afternoon.
Haven't had much rain here, and the west of us is incredibly dry. 74 F as I type this. Wonder if anyone else has noticed the normal summer west to east wind current is largely absent this year. Maybe those wildfires are actually creating their own weather...
Doc Sharptail
For those of you who may think I exaggerate over the amount of rain we get here there is this.
06-19-2023, 08:05
Federal hydrologist report stated our average precipitation in the Great Basin runs around 6" a year.
It went on to claim an increase to 10" would bring back the Pleistocene lakes.
We measure storms in increments of tenths of an inch.
Your weather is ...different.
Federal hydrologist report stated our average precipitation in the Great Basin runs around 6" a year.
It went on to claim an increase to 10" would bring back the Pleistocene lakes.
We measure storms in increments of tenths of an inch.
Your weather is ...different.
We had a big front pass through today. After it passed I told my wife I needed to go to the store and pick up some items between rain storms. I looked at the NOAA weather map and it showed the tail end of the front that had passed and clear skies from Alabama all the way to Nevada or so. I took my chances. Before I arrived at the store (10 miles away) it started raining. It rained hard while I was in the store--I got drenched loading the groceries into my truck. It rained the rest of the day with local tornado's touching down. We are under flash flood warnings now. This is a typical day. You can't plan any thing.
I looked at the map when I got home and a "new" front was showing over us about the size of Texas that came up from nowhere.
I believe our 10 day forecast was for a 30% chance of rain yesterday (it rained) and a 10% chance for today and the rest of the week. Stoned pot heads could make better predictions.
What I decided when I was a child is apparently true---it rains every day---period. A 30% prediction just means we get 30% of all the rain that falls for that day.
visited Fla when i was in College,
had a freind that had a brother in Orlando, so we had a place to stay
it literally rained every day,
not long, usually, but it did rain every day we were there (mid/late may)
usually about 30 minutes, never the same time of day
Vern Humphrey
06-20-2023, 08:19
Federal hydrologist report stated our average precipitation in the Great Basin runs around 6" a year.
It went on to claim an increase to 10" would bring back the Pleistocene lakes.
We measure storms in increments of tenths of an inch.
Your weather is ...different.
Maybe Lake Missoula will re-form, and when the ice dam breaks, that will solve a lot of the Left Coast problems.
06-20-2023, 08:52
Here, a 30% chance of precip puts the odds at a fraction of 50%. In other words... unlikely at best.
You need a new Weather Witch, preferably one with better math skills.
We've been hoping an earthquake will offer a solution for our coastal population issues. No luck yet.
If it takes an ice age to setup another Lake Missoula, I'd have to vote that down. Woodshed only holds three cord.
that reminds me...
...time to finish my coffee, hit the grocery store then finish up in that woodshed I mentioned.
I had my firewood brought in last week and there's some odds and ends to put away.
Here, a 30% chance of precip puts the odds at a fraction of 50%. In other words... unlikely at best.
You need a new Weather Witch, preferably one with better math skills.
I've always known the local TV forecasters were brain dead. I read NOAA and Wunderground though they aren't much better. My point is, weather is hard to predict, and apparently impossible here, so why are they giving out 10 day forecast?
I don't see how anything can grow with a 6" annual rainfall. Seems to me the deserts would get more water than that.
- - - Updated - - -
We've been hoping an earthquake will offer a solution for our coastal population issues. No luck yet.
Remember, if that ever happens it will be because of "global warming".
06-20-2023, 11:53
Remember, if that ever happens it will be because of "global warming".
I think it's all 'climate change' now.
That way they're covered no matter what happens.
06-20-2023, 12:04
I don't see how anything can grow with a 6" annual rainfall.
Not by some standards but quite a bit, actually. Seasonal grasses / sagebrush / some evergreens / etc.
Sage Hen hunting on the Northern Nevada mesa tops. Camp with two trucks and tents to the lower right-
4 bird limit
I think it's all 'climate change' now.
That way they're covered no matter what happens.
Right. When the cold winters were exposing their BS they changed the name.
They still claim the sea's are rising too.
Yard starting to look a little shabby. Grass isn't too bad but weeds and crabgrass shoots are poking through.
Went to start my mower. Almost made it all the way to the barn where I keep it but got rained out. I got within 100' of it though so that's an improvement.
06-21-2023, 03:59
Mowed 1/2 the yard this morning.
We had a series of showers last week (seems like yesterday) and I got complacent, thinking I didn't need to water. I was wrong. Hops and Applemint were wilting. Both would be considered invasive species in anyone else's yard. Here, they're dead if I don't water them. Lawn sprinklers are going as I type. 20% chance of thundershowers tomorrow night, which is odd. Late afternoon / early evening, hot part of the day thunderstorms would be more in line with our 'usual'.
Nobody needs late night lightning strikes, not in dry country.
06-21-2023, 06:36
If you were expecting me to pull out a pic to illustrate my point....
smoke from a lightning strike fire adding to the departing storm clouds that started it.
This was 6 years ago.
We've had fires come closer. I try to keep a firebreak cleared around the house.
Depending on my level of paranoia in any given year I'll break out the strung trimmer and go for 30 to 50' or more of clearcut.
We have as much lightning as we do rain however the strikes are drowned before they hit usually.
There's always the excitement of getting electrocuted but seldom do we get forest fires. Occasionally a house will get blown up and burn if dry enough.
The biggest problem I have with lightning is it striking trees. It always kills them. Sometimes you don't know till months later. I've lost a couple just the past couple of years. When hitting the tree the charge damages other things nearby. On one occasion it blew out a new tire on my truck and blew the smithereens out of my telephone box on the corner of the house 200' away. On my son-in-laws truck it fried the ECM and took the dealership like 8 months to repair. It too was parked near a tree that got struck.
Sometimes mother nature sucks.
in the 20+ years we have lived in this house, we have had 2 lightening strikes with in 50 yrds of the house,
someone suggested there maybe something in the ground attracting the lightning,
so far, the house has been spared, but 2 trees have been hit
06-21-2023, 07:33
I've seen some close hits. I was stopped for track work several years ago while a gang replaced bad ties. A bolt struck between my train and the gang - close enough for me to observe energy from it turning a puddle into steam. Man, you should have seen the high knee action of that gang beating it to the bus!
It was truly a miracle none of them got fried. SW
kinda on topic, met a guy last weekend at the gunshow
he makes wood planks and cutting boards using some fractal engraving , (may have that wrong)
he basically has a rig that shoot electricity (like lightning) thru a piece of wood then fills the voids and coats it in a clear coat,
only he slipped and touched something he should not have and fractaled himself, ground on his foot, and then shot thru his head,
he showed me a pic of the hole in his head (about the size of a 22) where the current exited, (he guessed 4000 volts, but no way to know)
it messed him up, had to do rehab etc etc
He may be onto the invention of a new type weapon. No ammo needed.
06-22-2023, 09:22
I'm having trouble working up a clear picture of what your friend was doing but it sounds like he's going to be okay. I hope that's the case.
I'm having trouble working up a clear picture of what your friend was doing but it sounds like he's going to be okay. I hope that's the case.
would not call him a friend, seemed like a nice guy, bought 2 rifles from him, but that was the first time I had met him,
here is what he is basically doing,
06-22-2023, 09:47
Not interesting enough to run the associated risks of playing with 20,000 volts. Just, interesting.
I will admit that pyrography sounds much cooler than 'burning s**t and leaving a mark'.
Heck, my spell-checker doesn't even recognize the term so we both learned something.
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