View Full Version : Crescent butt plate

Major Tom
07-01-2023, 06:37
I have a Winchester 94ae. I would like to install a crescent shaped butt plate. What plate to buy?
Thanks for replies

07-01-2023, 10:37
Might want to get new wood cut for one; there may not be one made for the distance from toe to heel.

Vern Humphrey
07-01-2023, 07:04
I agree with that -- you'll have to cut the butt to fit the butt plate, and you'll wind up with a pretty short length of pull.

Major Tom
07-02-2023, 09:30
I finally found a butt stock for the 94ae with the crescent butt plate but, unfortunately, is priced at $249 which is more than I paid for the rifle. So another 'bright' idea of mine put to rest. lol

07-02-2023, 10:13
I finally found a butt stock for the 94ae with the crescent butt plate but, unfortunately, is priced at $249 which is more than I paid for the rifle. So another 'bright' idea of mine put to rest. lol

I doubt you'll find one any cheaper too.

Vern Humphrey
07-03-2023, 02:09
Find someone who has a Model 94 with a crescent butt plate, and shoot it. You may change your mind about getting one.