View Full Version : Saturday coffee July 1
07-01-2023, 06:17
July? Already? It was just May the other day! Still enjoying wet weather here. Rained all afternoon and night yesterday, and since the wind's from the east, I look for more of the same today. Which is fine - got the yard mowed between showers somehow.
Double birthday this weekend. Older grand daughter turns 15 and SiL is... 40 I think. He's hard to buy for - gets stuff and never plays with it. He shot the pellet gun I got him for Christmas 3X in our back yard and hasn't played with it since. So I just got him a bag of Black Rifle coffee and one of their mugs. Wifey is taking grand daughter shopping. Probably another pair of shoes or 6.
No coffee yet - wifey is still snoring soundly as is Flop Ears. Chores are all done so it's time to cruise the usual sites. SW
07-01-2023, 06:55
We started getting into warmer temps yesterday and I kept thinking of things to do out in the sunshine.
Today, we're scheduled for 97f and I plan on staying out of it. Got out early and splashed some water around. Changed out feeder for the hummingbirds. Filled the ice cube trays for me and now I'm an indoor guy.
...unless I decide to run the string trimmer
or chase after a squirrel I saw yesterday
or the rabbits start up a conga line on their way to the garden
Doc Sharptail
07-01-2023, 09:27
It's already 83 here, and forecast is for much hotter.
Wifey's still snoring away behind me. We had some of Doc's world famous beef soup last night, and it has the tendency to render the un-initiated and initiates alike- sub-conscious.
She actually pushed it pretty hard on the five block walk to the grocery store yesterday, and it's gonna take her a few days to recover.
Her R/A get's the better of her at worst of times.
Holiday here today, and nothing's open. I'd like to get at the wheel bearings on the new to me Schwinn, and probably trade out the Knobbies for a set of road tires. I've got about 200 miles on it now, mostly riding down to the creek to fish. Turns out that trip is a little better than 16 miles total, there and back. Grateful that I have the physical where-withal to still do it.
Doc Sharptail
It's already 83 here, and forecast is for much hotter.
Wifey's still snoring away behind me. We had some of Doc's world famous beef soup last night, and it has the tendency to render the un-initiated and initiates alike- sub-conscious.l
What do you put in your soup, pot? I wonder if that is how "pot pies" got their name?
It would be nice if bicycle's came with grease nipples for the wheel bearings and sprockets.
Doc Sharptail
07-01-2023, 01:52
What do you put in your soup, pot? I wonder if that is how "pot pies" got their name?
It would be nice if bicycle's came with grease nipples for the wheel bearings and sprockets.
Nothing of the sort- usually beef shanks with the cross-cut bones in, a bit of beef bouillion, veggies, spuds etc... and not even de-alcoholized cooking wine. There's something potent in the beef marrow that induces sleep, at least for us, who are no longer very young.
I had a full sized men's Raleigh with 28" wheels when I was a kid, and there was a grease nipple on the rear coaster hub. The front was still the strip and clean and lube type, which really isn't all that hard once a way is figured to control the bearings.
I need to check the bearings any way, especially on the rear. The store blew the assembly and ran the bearing cones in a little too far.
Since it was bought used, I'm my only re-course :P
Doc Sharptail
Some foods like beef and red wine are a little hard to digest and thus may cause drowsiness afterward. I wasn't serious about the pot.
Super hot here. Mowing the yard in sections. Our 2nd day w/o rain---I am starting to see drought conditions.
07-01-2023, 03:53
2 days in and you're calling a drought? Bro!
that reminds me...
I need to set the water back on the lawn...
2 days in and you're calling a drought? Bro!
that reminds me...
I need to set the water back on the lawn...
Yep. After about 100 days straight rain and now 2 days w/o and I was kicking up dust today with the mower. I think after all the ridiculous amounts of rainfall we have year after year the soil may be damaged. What I mean is humus and other water retention elements may be washed away.
I've noticed this before here. After weeks and months of daily rains farmers trying to disk their fields kick up a tremendous amount of dust after just 3-4 days w/o rain.
About every 2 or 3 years we go through an extended time with no rain. After about 2 or 3 weeks grass turns brown, gardens and potted plants die no matter how much you water them.
It would be nice to have something other than the monsoons we have. So much here has either been washed away, rotted away or rusted away. You would think we could get a few days relief w/o things turning into a desert.
07-01-2023, 04:53
Yep. After about 100 days straight rain and now 2 days w/o and I was kicking up dust today with the mower. I think after all the ridiculous amounts of rainfall we have year after year the soil may be damaged. What I mean is humus and other water retention elements may be washed away.
I've noticed this before here. After weeks and months of daily rains farmers trying to disk their fields kick up a tremendous amount of dust after just 3-4 days w/o rain.
About every 2 or 3 years we go through an extended time with no rain. After about 2 or 3 weeks grass turns brown, gardens and potted plants die no matter how much you water them.
It would be nice to have something other than the monsoons we have. So much here has either been washed away, rotted away or rusted away. You would think we could get a few days relief w/o things turning into a desert.
Do you compost?
It doesn't sound like it would be possible to generate enough from simple household waste to completely offset the conditions you experience but even a little would help.
wend Dragonsdad talks compost, listen,
the man knows a thing or 2
took the day off today,
wife headed to Norfolk, Mom has a house on the ocean (well, technically bay) and she, mom, mom's beau and my ex sis in law are having a vacay
so I am having a vacay at home,
today, off to Cville and shot horrendously , but still shot, a high power\ Service Rifle match
had a good time despite the humidity,
lunch at my buddy's stepson's BBQ joint, afterwards,
then got home and decided to pull the decking boards off the front porch ( gonna replace wiht composite)
got a bit overheated, humidity is my nemesis , too many years working in the cold,
so I stopped to cool off and a storm came thru,
perfect timing, I needed a break,
got maybe 1\3rd done,
going to work tomorrow , then likely finish getting the old deck off, and start on replacement
should be done Monday,
and, decided since I have have some free time now, to order me a new upper for my Service Rifle,
doing the math, it is easier just to order a complete upper and be done with it,
and I will sell off the one it will replace,
07-01-2023, 05:53
I worked in commercial composting for awhile.
Master Composter certification out of Texas. Back in the 90's they had the only state certified composting school in the country.
Thing is, if I have information that proves useful that's a good thing.
If not, I'm just bloviating and wasting people's time. Nobody needs that.
I tried the composing in the past. Just didn't have enough "material" to do much good. I recently bought a tiny gas powered chipper/shredder that I plan on using for producing mulch. I may save a rose bush or two using that.
07-01-2023, 07:08
Mulch is good too.
The addition of organic material to the soil will result in long term benefits.
(this concludes our sermon for the day)
I generate very little kitchen waste.
Yard waste (weeds and leaves mostly) get chopped up with the mower and go into the bins. I end up with more than enough finished compost for the garden beds.
Excess goes on the lawn.
Your mileage may vary.
One light decent rain in 45days lots of clouds! but zip nada & nothing,it’s been life on the gen’s,how does that tune go......something dry I am how dry I am. How drier can I get!? etc etc. ⛈!!! :hello:
Cheer’s all!
07-02-2023, 06:21
One light decent rain in 45days ***
It's been 2 1/2 or 3 weeks here. I would have thought you'd see some of it.
There's a shed roof needs repairs but I'm in no hurry. What I am, is confident I'll have it done ahead of the need.
Clouds and a light breeze yesterday were nice.
...took the edge off the heat.
It's been 2 1/2 or 3 weeks here. I would have thought you'd see some of it.
There's a shed roof needs repairs but I'm in no hurry. What I am, is confident I'll have it done ahead of the need.
Clouds and a light breeze yesterday were nice.
...took the edge off the heat.
June 15th night was our big last half decent event & nothing else worth jabbing about since early May.....which didn’t do nothing but halfway settle the dust.
If Reno San Frisco etc area gets the blessfullness precipitation it usually & mostly goes North of us,our heavy hiitters come from a more Southerly & West trac route.
07-04-2023, 06:14
What an odd 4th! It was supposed to be in the 90s and dry. Guess again! High for the day was barely 70 - it's 55 now and a substantial storm coming.
Went over to SiL's 40th BD and pigged out on smoked brisket, deviled eggs and walleye. I've always liked the flavor for don't care for the bones. He cuts them up in a way that removes 95%. I'm sure Doc has the down low on that.
With a storm coming, there shouldn't be much for firepoppers tonight which will be good for Flop Ears. Me, too! Wifey stayed to conversate, and I'll pick her up when the par-tay's over. There were a lot of people there, most of whom I'd never met. But I jumped in and conversated.
For now, it's cruise YT for another movie. Watched March or Die earlier - just finished Legionnaire - now I'll see if Paths to Glory is in the lineup. The ending scene always evokes an emotion for me. Maybe look for All Quiet on the Western Front. SW
never left the yard today,
spent most of the day finishing up the redo of the front porch,
after some work on the laptop (folks drinking and asking stupid questions on ebay\gunbroker stuff) got started about 10
warm day, was 82 when I started, and soaked a shirt and shorts, and drank close to a gallon of water by 2,
took a break for about 90 minutes for a short lunch, cold shower, and a change of clothes, and back at it,
finiished up at 7,,,
dinner, guinness,,x4 and not long before a nap
Doc Sharptail
07-04-2023, 07:37
walleye. I've always liked the flavor for don't care for the bones. He cuts them up in a way that removes 95%. I'm sure Doc has the down low on that.
Most of it is in the knife, and to a lesser extent, how it is used. Which reminds me to ask~ did Puma ever market a flexible filleting knife?
Entirely possible since they did carving sets at one time. Meanwhile, the birch handled Finn rules. :fish::fish:
Doc Sharptail
07-05-2023, 05:41
Doc, Puma indeed made - and still offers a fileting blade. I've got a carving set with stag grips but no filet knife. I had my Hungarian pal bid on a dedicated Puma fishing knife with ball on the end for whacking your catch, but some fellow in Austria wanted it a lot worse than I did. SW
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