View Full Version : Some funny Itemfix short videos

07-12-2023, 12:44
Bag snatcher gets a taste of karma


Greedy cat


Plane crashes into trees after takeoff in Sweden


Saving a Buddy


Cool toy


Modelling photo shoot fail


Vern Humphrey
07-13-2023, 09:21
Re the first item. In Viet Nam, we had Saigon Cowboys, who would zip by on a scooter and grab bags, etc. Some rotten American took a camera case and put an Artillery Simulator in it. If you don't know what that that is, it's a BIG firecracker you ignite by pulling a string and it goes "EEEEEEEEEEE BANG!" He tied the string around his wrist and went down the sidewalk, right along the curb swinging his "camera." A Saigon Cowboy zipped past, grabbed the camera case and sped away.

When the camera case started going "EEEEEEEE" he held it up before his face, riding no hands, and opened it to see what was inside.

The scooter was not much damaged in the resulting crash, but the Saigon Cowboy was totaled out.