View Full Version : Here's another stupid elderly driver ...

08-20-2023, 04:37
These dumbsh!ts are giving regular elderly drivers like me a bad name.
I had to renew my DL recently while knowing I wouldn't be able to pass the
eye test. Had to get new glasses and take actual driving test which I passed easily.
It seems that some elderly people can't tell left from right when it comes to
their feet which obviously accounts for the increasing number of gas pedal
accidents. Maybe people of a late age who drive automatic transmissions
should have to undergo actual tests at renewal time. As long as you use your
turn signals every time you turn or change lanes plus turning your head -
it's a piece of cake. Not like my 1959 British test which took over an hour
and was a nightmare. Stick shift of course, parking in heavy traffic,
3 point turn, backing around a corner (14" from curb), hill start without rolling
back, emergency stop without stalling, verbal test (2 questions).
But once you had your license, that was it, No more tests.
Some people should not own guns, and some people should not be driving.

BTW: my test took 15 minutes start to finish.


08-20-2023, 06:01
I always thought that elderly people should be required to pass driving test upon license renewal too.

Now that I've turned 70 I still feel that way. It would be a huge inconvenience to us and the DMV isn't staffed for such so it may never be.

I would rather see restrictive cell phone usage made that would prevent a phone from operating while the engine is running since no one is enforcing the laws of using them. I feel this is a bigger safety concern but still agree with the aging.

08-20-2023, 06:11
After I turned 70 I didn't have to take the test over but I did have to show up in person and have my eyes checked and fill out a form with some general health questions on it. I noticed the gal at DMV gave me a thorough looking over and asked me a couple of questions about my health issues. After that I got the license. It is my understanding that from now on I'll have to show up in person for the eye test, fill out the form, possible questions and once over. It's quite a spell between license renewals in Texas so who knows if, at around 80 it'll even be an issue.

08-20-2023, 06:30
I was given a license for only three years this time around
because of my eyes. Whether I'll still be around in three years
is a question, but in any case, I doubt my eyes will pass the test.
Luckily, I've always liked Buses.

Mark in Ottawa
08-20-2023, 06:53
In Ontario where I live, when you turn 80 and every two years after that, you have to be tested. The test consists of a vision check and a written test to check on cognitive impairment. There is no road test required.

08-20-2023, 07:34
In Ontario where I live, when you turn 80 and every two years after that, you have to be tested. The test consists of a vision check and a written test to check on cognitive impairment. There is no road test required.

If you fail eye or written test - you can no longer drive ?

08-20-2023, 08:08
If you fail eye or written test - you can no longer drive ?

I would think it would be just like when you're 16. If you fail your eye test you have to wear glasses or get a stronger strength if you already wear glasses, then take the test over. I think most states have limits on how many times you can take the test within a certain time frame.

In Alabama we have to renew every 4 years.

I just renewed mine and got the star. The only thing the examiner asked was: "is all the information on your old license correct?".

Mark in Ottawa
08-27-2023, 06:33
If you fail eye or written test - you can no longer drive ?

That is my understanding. The Province doesn't want blind people driving nor those who have no idea what they are doing or where they are going.

08-27-2023, 08:26
When I took the written (Computer screen) test I failed because
I got five wrong (allowed four). Never failed before but I'd noticed
4 years before that the questions were getting weird. This time they
were stupid.
Example: You;re stopped at a red light RR crossing. The train passes
but the red light stays on. Do you:
1: wait several minutes then slowly cross.
2; Do you wait ten minutes then cross.
3. Phone the authorities and wait until help arrives.

I chose number one, but the correct answer was #3.
First off, I don't have a phone. Secondly it could take
an hour before anyone showed up. What about traffic ?
There were several just as dumb.

08-27-2023, 09:57
Very stupid.

#1 would be correct of course (who would run into you????)

Phoning authorities that may never show up? And who would the authorities be? The police would be very pissed if you called them about something like this.

Several seconds too, not several minutes. You're going to be holding up the traffic behind you.

Again, it's all about control. You have to give the answer you know they want. Running a red light is not allowed, even if you have Godzilla coming after you.

08-27-2023, 10:02
Those are some tricky questions. Of the three, a couple souond like silly jokes. Yeah, right, I'm going to walk to the all night restaurant and use the pay phone to call the police. Please.
At some point, we (old guys) are going to have to give up driving. I've gotten honked at recently because, evidently, I wasn't keeping up with the pace. I think, 'slow yer ass down', but I'm not in the cool kid section. Hey, who hasn't pushed it a little? I wonder how 4 million people (in my neighborhood) can drive to work daily without getting in an accident.

08-28-2023, 04:51
IMHO-and I am 73-all lot of the problems with elderly drivers is due to too much pill popping, and as my mother once said "People who can't spend more than 10 seconds a day thinking about anybody but themselves."

08-28-2023, 09:59
So, last Friday I took a ride out in the country. Coming back and passing the lake I got behind a guy towing a boat. We’re moving at the speed limit (45). It’s a twisty turny road. Then this little white Porche (or something) slides up and drops in between us. I back off a little. This is the classic; the sports car creeps up on the the guy and then hits the brakes over and over. Right off, that’s a neon sign telling the world, I’m an idiot. He want’s to pass the boat so bad he’s pissing his pants (maybe he really had to go). So we drop into a wash and I know there’s a little straight piece at the top just before the stop sign. I know this guy is going to pass the boater. When I got to the top I see: the boat guy and the stop sign...and the hot rod is nearly a mile ahead. He’s a speck. I’m sure he ran the stop sign and hit, eight, ninety, a hundred? They’re out there. That’s why I stay away from the lake on weekends and now I should probably X off Fridays too.

08-28-2023, 10:16
I should probably X off Fridays too.

Has anyone other than me noticed more people exist on the face of the earth on Fridays? Traffic wise that is.

The volume seems to be about double even during normal working hours. The roads are packed on Fridays.

08-28-2023, 02:03
I suspect that many of the accidents caused by younger or older are caused by their left foot. They use their left foot for the brake. In an emergency they may stomp the brake at the same time they floor the gas. Left foot is for the clutch (if you got it, use it, if not, stomp the floor) right foot is for the brake and gas.

08-28-2023, 02:29
Here's another one.
This is exactly as posed:

"You are parked on a hill that has no curb;
Do you;
Turn your wheels
toward center of road,
Toward the Curb,(?)
Park them parallel"

I chose Center (which was correct answer)
but it was a 50/50 guess

08-28-2023, 02:45
My questions would be more to reality.

If someone is driving in the left lane on the interstate @ 40mph (anyone from FL) backing up traffic for miles do you:

A. Hit their rear bumper and spin them off the highway.

B. Shoot their tires out.

c. Swerve in front of them and slam on brakes forcing them to the right lane.

D. All the above.

08-28-2023, 05:52
I told the examiner to forget the Freeway as I never drive on
them anymore. I can get to wherever I want to go plus I spent
35 years driving on freeways due to going to work. Plus these
days freeway drivers are bloody dangerous.
So now my license is for only three years,
I have to wear glasses (although I don't)
Not allowed on freeways.