View Full Version : New to Me Garand
Hey, I just got a M1 Garand from a 91 friend. No papers on it but a nice M1. I checked out this gun as he was selling the collection and it was a Win -13. I had not heard of them before and he had not ether. I told him what he had so someone would not low ball him. He offered the Win-13 to me as well as Winchester M1 Carbine. I am very very happy. The Win -13 seems to be all Winchester, barrel, trigger group, op rod, sights, gas cyl, ect. The only thing I can find not Win. is the stock is IHC. Nice stock but not right. Will any war time Win. stock be ok on the gun. Thanks for any help.
Best regards.
Major Tom
08-29-2023, 05:40
The serial number will tell when it was made and then who was the inspector at that time period. They put their initials on the left side of the stock.
The ser# is 16025219. My question is, What Winchester stock do I need or will any Win. stock do. Right now it has a IHC stock. Thanks for any information.
High Plaines Doug r
08-30-2023, 04:22
A 16 million serno must be a very late Winchester
Johnny P
08-30-2023, 07:24
I believe the "Win 13" rifles date to February 1945.
Thank you Johnny for the information. Would any WRA GHD stock be right for this Win-13. All parts are Winchester but the stock is IHC. Thanks again.
Major Tom
08-31-2023, 05:16
Your Winchester was made about March-February 1945. GHD was the inspector, his stamp will be on the left side of stock below rear sight and WRA is above GHD. Winchester stocks have a V shaped cutout at rear of of trigger guard inletting, The proof stamp (P) in higher on the grip.
I found this info on the M14 Forum under 'Bill Ricca' section in forums listing.
Johnny P
08-31-2023, 07:58
Thank you Johnny for the information. Would any WRA GHD stock be right for this Win-13. All parts are Winchester but the stock is IHC. Thanks again.
Yes. Brig. General Guy H. Drewry was still the officer in charge of the Springfield Ordnance District when your rifle was produced. His initials are also on the Colt 1911A1 pistols produced at the same time. He commanded the Springfield Ordnance District until July of 1945.
Thanks every one very much for the information. Now if I can find a stock and not give a arm and leg.
Best regards.
Thanks every one very much for the information. Now if I can find a stock and not give a arm and leg.
Best regards.
Be prepared. You WILL give a arm and a leg, especially for a decent one.
Bravo. Great rifles with the capability of getting the job done even at extended range. Whatta Hobby!
Be prepared. You WILL give a arm and a leg, especially for a decent one.
Boy have you got that right, Allen!!! The price for a decent authentic WRA GAD stock in good shape can run around $1,000.00 and up, below a grand is an excellent price. I found one, different inspector, that sold recently for $1,500.00 - and look out for fakes. Repro cartouche stamps are out there, I have seen them for sale. While I was on line shopping relating to this thread, I found, on another forum, an old boy looking for cartouche stamps to "correct" his M1. He was roundly ripped on the forum.
Good luck on your quest.
I am thinking to think that a nice Winchester stock , with no WRA GAW would be fine, better than the IHC stock on it now.
Thanks guys.
That IHC stock is valuable too.
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