View Full Version : Binary triggers for your AR?

09-01-2023, 06:02
It is legal here to open carry. So a bearded, tattooed guy with one eye walks into Walmart wearing 2 1911s on his hips, carrying a AK-47 on a sling and a AR in his hands. It is perfectly legal in a lot of States. But, is it a good idea?

I have always thought that sub guns are effective in close hand to hand situations but rifles like the M-14 (and yes the M-16) on full auto are inaccurate and semi auto aimed fire is way better and effective.

To me the binary trigger is only a BS item that is only going to antagonize common, hard working people and subsidize more regulations.


09-01-2023, 06:08
Open carry in an urban setting makes you a target. My 2c.
Binary triggers eat ammo.

Major Tom
09-02-2023, 05:28
In IOWA it is legal to 'open carry' but not advisable by local PD. I carry under my shirt which is not tucked in. Why scare little old ladies (or men) and go thru the hassle of explaining to them or the cops they called to check me out. I keep my 4 inch bazooka in the car.

09-03-2023, 08:30
there was a guy in town that promoted , in an in your face way, that open carry (legal in VA) with an AR ,
he would stand on a street corner in a trendy high rent area full of trendy shops and foodie joints,

made a bit of a name for himself, and was promoting such in other states, till he was killed in a car accident in Ohio IIRC,

I would think there would be more positive ways to promote, and would likely not do it myself (more of concealed is concealed kinda carrier myself) but I get what he was trying to do

09-03-2023, 10:28
It is legal here to open carry. So a bearded, tattooed guy with one eye walks into Walmart wearing 2 1911s on his hips, carrying a AK-47 on a sling and a AR in his hands. It is perfectly legal in a lot of States. But, is it a good idea?

Not a good idea but a robber would do the same but have the guns concealed. With the absence of laws now no guns are needed at WM and anywhere else. Just take what you wish. No one is going to interfere.

Banks are another thing and it's a joke that banks prohibit or discourage customers carrying guns into a bank. A would be robber is going to have one regardless and seeing someone else armed might discourage him but the banks will never see it that way.

If I were a banker I would be more alerted if someone entered wearing a hoodie or ski mask. While there's no laws against it if a crime were committed they would be impossible to ID.

Vern Humphrey
09-03-2023, 11:26
Open carry in an urban setting makes you a target.

That's why you can't hardly walk down the street without stepping on the bodies of dead cops -- they open carry.

09-03-2023, 01:56
Some years back prior to my retirement, the bank on the first floor of the office building I was in put those decals on the entrance doors to the building not allowing firearms. Two days later they were held up. I might also add that the office right above mine was occupied by the Secret Service.