View Full Version : USA vs Russia Military Power the Comparison in 2023

09-08-2023, 07:05
Interesting numbers..

USA vs Russia Military Power the Comparison in 2023

The Russia vs USA Military Comparison in 2023


09-08-2023, 07:13
Russian army - 2nd best in the world... oops! I mean 2nd best in Ukraine! At this point, they couldn't take on Belarus or Kazakhstan with a chance of winning. SW

Phloating Phlasher
09-08-2023, 07:14
The old "Red Army" weeps at the new shambles. Thank gawd.

09-08-2023, 07:33
Some of the stuff is misleading, for instance the Rooskies technically have an aircraft carrier but its been laid up for years and there is real doubt it'll ever sail again. Most of their major fleet units are well over thirty years old. The number of first line, up to date fighter and attack aircraft they have, SU 35, late model MiG 29s and SU 57s are really small. The list could go on. Then there's the toll corruption and incompetence has taken on the Russian military, especially in the morale area. Its really disheartening to learn the explosive packs in your tank's reactive armor has been pilfered and sold on the black market. Add to that the inadequate training a lot of units have received, including front line elite formations and you have some really big problems. A lot of people, including me, didn't realize how really bad some of the leadership and personnel problems were until they were exposed in the Ukraine.

Not to say the Russians don't have some really good stuff here and there - the R37 Axhead hypersonic air to air missile with its mach 5 + speed and 200 mile range (it actually has achieved kills at that distance) has almost alone denied the Ukrainian Air Force any chance at achieving air superiority over the battlefield. These missiles hung on MiG 31, SU 57 and SU 35 aircraft orbiting on the Russian side of the border have had an effect all out of proportion to relatively small number of planes they've destroyed. They've forced Ukrainian aircraft to seek the safety of ground clutter when they do enter the combat zones where they become vulnerable to man portable anti aircraft systems, anti aircraft artillery and even small arms fire. The Ukrainians have admitted that this one weapon system, which the Russians had actually discontinued production of a few years ago as too expensive, has put a serious 'hitch in their giddy up."

09-10-2023, 11:16
Wow. Russia has a population of about 141 million. Ukraine has about 41 million. They could not hold a candle to the Russians but Russia is totally corrupt and they are not fighting Ukraine, they are fighting NATO.

Looking at the world, Russia, China, India and SE Asia has a population of about 3.6 billion people. Yet the Demorats tell us we (331 million) are causing all the pollution.

09-10-2023, 11:33
"You can have all the materiel you want, but without morale, it is largely ineffective." George C. Marshall.

09-11-2023, 02:14
Russia and America are depleting each others stockpiles
at the expense of the Ukranian people egged on by the
ultimate in corruption - Zelensky who is no doubt a new