View Full Version : Today's teenage boys are a bunch of wussies ...

09-09-2023, 05:56
When I was an early teen one of our gym teachers was a real
good looker who had all us boys wishing she'd take us home with her.
Had that happened, which unfortunately it didn't, we certainly would
not have complained - far from it, a dream come true.
These days the Women teachers seem to be a lot more horny than
they were in my day, but the boys they seduce now are a bunch of
sissies rushing home to mummy with tales of what Miss Lovely did
to them.


09-09-2023, 09:04
Teenage boys are on the borderline. They can grow up to be real men or...worst case, balls kickers and sucker punchers. Or worse. I've witnessed both and they are just gutless bitches. Now days they get guns and shoot children. OK, that's out of the way.

Our high school science teacher was Miss Verhaugen. Right off you know that's blonde Scandinavian. She impressed one of the guys in our group. She was leaning over to point out some particular part of the frog and this kid says, "I can see right down her shirt". She straightened right up, the rest of us ignored it and we went on with the dissection. I still remember it, she was nice.
When I was a kid porn(didn't even know what it was called back then) was at the southside liquor store. Now kids see way too much way to easily.

Remember that school teacher who spent a few years in prison for nailing a kid? When she got out, her and the now older kid, got married. I looked it up. Somehow, she got pregnant at some point.


I really can't get on board with the term rape in this case. C'mon.

09-09-2023, 09:18
Most of my grade school and high school "female" teachers resembled Ben Franklin.

09-09-2023, 10:19
My female teachers were real females. They were wonderful. My one male teacher was scary. He didn't scare me, but he made some kids cry. First grade. Then my second grade teacher asked if any of us knew Mr. D. I almost blurted, yeah and was he mean, but she announced, I'm Mrs. D. Glad I kept my mouth shut.
First through sixth grade was great. But I wasn't great at math. It's not all about me, how were your early days in school?

09-09-2023, 10:53
My first grade teacher was my mother's first grade teacher.

My mother is 32 years older than me.

Doc Sharptail
09-10-2023, 01:40
Didn't have much for sex-pot teachers around here. Sister's 3rd grade teacher was a knockout though- it was hard to breathe in her vicinity.

The teacher that stands out most in my mind was my grade 4 teacher. She had been trained in the classics, and couldn't read Homer's Iliad without crying.
She was very good in the classroom, and opened my eyes to reading. She was just a little wee tiny microscopic speck about 60 years old with a heart that always showed.


Doc Sharptail

09-10-2023, 03:04
Went to parochial school thru 8th grade, thats for another story.

09-10-2023, 05:09
The cruelty and brutality of the nuns was very strong

09-10-2023, 09:06
My HS photography teacher. Wow! Fantasies about personal instruction in the darkroom.

09-10-2023, 10:43
Psych did a vid about these teachers who seduce their students are regressing into their teenage years and trying to reclaim them.
I went to a boy's school.

09-10-2023, 11:27
Psych did a vid about these teachers who seduce their students are regressing into their teenage years and trying to reclaim them.
I went to a boy's school.

I suppose none of my old teachers did that because they didn't want to regress back into the stone age.

09-10-2023, 11:32
These women who "seduce" teenage boy should remember that they all have big mouths and like to boast and brag.
"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." Ben Franklin.