View Full Version : Woman who had a near-death experience shares message

09-14-2023, 03:50
Woman who had a near-death experience shares message

Woman who had a near-death experience shares message she heard from mystery voice, One of many people who say they had an near death experience. Some say it's caused by loss of Oxygen to the brain, Maybe, or maybe not but I guess we have to die to find out and I'm not ready to find out yet!!

A woman who almost drowned in 1996 kept her near death experience a secret for years but now talks about it on social media where she shares 'secrets of the universe'


Johnny P
09-14-2023, 03:58
Lack of oxygen to the brain can cause hallucinations, and it seems these near death experiences are more common to drowning victims.

09-14-2023, 04:18
Just feeding peoples' hopes of a Heaven where beautiful Angels are
flying around playing harps while the trillions already there sit around
having lunch.

09-14-2023, 04:41
There seems to be an abundance of cases with a lack of oxygen in D.C. these days. Seems it has been going on for some time now but has only been recently acknowledged. Possibly those on the Left have stories to tell.

09-14-2023, 11:44
I've heard that people who report on their near drownings say after you calm down it's kind of nice. Sounds like the best drug. It's expensive, I got fired, my wife left me and I spent two years in prison but what a buzz.