View Full Version : F-35 a stealth airplane is lost

09-19-2023, 04:44
--- and the news people are wondering why it can not be tracked. Makes one wonder.

(BTW IFF was off according to the report I read.)

Major Tom
09-19-2023, 05:30
As of Tuesday morning, crash site has been found, no explanation of why it was 'lost' or why it crashed.

Mark in Ottawa
09-19-2023, 05:52
I suppose that since its a "stealth" aircraft, it really should be difficult to find.

09-19-2023, 07:06
In a nutshell.

The 2 F-35s were flying in formation. They hit some turbulence or just accidentally bumped into each other. One pilot lost control and ejected. The other pilot landed his damaged plane as quickly as possible.

09-19-2023, 07:15
There is no technology, not even stealth, that will protect from an man caused accident. Sincerely. bruce.

09-19-2023, 07:19
I suppose that since its a "stealth" aircraft, it really should be difficult to find.

Good point.

If we develop technology for better tracking we will just sell or give it away though.

Mark in Ottawa
09-19-2023, 03:40
Good point.

If we develop technology for better tracking we will just sell or give it away though.

You won't have to. Chinese spies will steal it first

09-19-2023, 04:04
Those things were a disaster from the start.
Wouldn't be surprised if they can be hacked.

Major Tom
09-20-2023, 06:20
You won't have to. Chinese spies will steal it first

Biden has already let China spy on our secure military bases via balloon!
At the UN, he mentioned helping China improve their air quality. This traitor has to go! By ANY MEANS possible!

Phloating Phlasher
09-20-2023, 12:16
A couple of transcripts have been released.
One mentions "a weather event" & notifies they have lost radio contact with the second aircraft of a flight of two. No mention of a collision, though. Where did you find that info?
They've located the debris field & are en route en masse to it to secure.
I'd really REALLY hate to be the guy that owns that field for the ext couple of months. They've already Issued a "no one in no one out barrier" round the general area, which hasn't sat well with some locals.

09-20-2023, 02:27
Weather event? I've read F-35 Lightnings are allergic to their namesake.

During the time I spent in SC I learned the denizens of that snake,'gator and venomous insect infested patch of real estate are adamant and proud in their belief that Geo III lost the Revolution in SC (who am I to argue?) and their disposition hasn't changed since then.
DoD should finish their investigation very quickly and leave the locals in peace.

09-20-2023, 03:36
Here is an article stating a couple saw the F-35 flying inverted then hearing a boom about 3/4 mile away. They thought nothing about it since aircraft fly over all the time but the news was everywhere about the military looking for the plane and that the plane had crashed somewhere.

Why didn't these people call? Even if they didn't see the crash it would have been a logical guess that it did.


09-20-2023, 04:22
A couple of transcripts have been released.
One mentions "a weather event" & notifies they have lost radio contact with the second aircraft of a flight of two. No mention of a collision, though. Where did you find that info?
They've located the debris field & are en route en masse to it to secure.
I'd really REALLY hate to be the guy that owns that field for the ext couple of months. They've already Issued a "no one in no one out barrier" round the general area, which hasn't sat well with some locals.

"We're from the government and we're here to screw up your life"

Phloating Phlasher
09-21-2023, 10:53
They didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary as they have a lot of overflights.
There was a thunderstorm in the area at the time although not directly overhead.

Major Tom
09-22-2023, 05:45
I lived off base near Pope Air Force base in N. Carolina while stationed at Ft. Bragg. Our house was near the end of a runway and those fighter jets were LOUD when they kicked in their afterburners.

09-22-2023, 10:34
I wonder if someone was pencil whipping the maintenance records ? One of the findings in the loss of the Bonhomme Richard-"Maintenance records were falsified."

09-23-2023, 10:06
That is just a could-have or guess based on years of flying in super sonic fighters. When flying in stormy weather, you are bouncing around and the wingman is staying close so he does not lose sight of the lead plane. The probable reason the surviving plane that landed ( it could have been either the lead or wing) is very likely they lost contact.

Something bad happened. Not one of the hundreds of fighter jockeys or back seaters I flew with and lived with wanted to eject.

09-23-2023, 11:42
Something bad happened. Not one of the hundreds of fighter jockeys or back seaters I flew with and lived with wanted to eject.

I heard that because of the G-force exerted on the spine that a person can be 1" shorter after ejecting due to the compression of the vertebrae cartilage.

Phloating Phlasher
09-23-2023, 02:41
Yes, absolutely. Ejection was the last, most desperate act.
You were encouraged to "ride it down as far as possible & point in the least dangerous direction (assuming some attitude control)".

But not can be, but WILL be. (spinal disk compression) One thing they drummed into you was push back HARD into the seat & brace so its ONLY linear, which will expand again naturally over time If we ever had to eject it was a mandatory full board medical & 72 hours required sick leave.

If I got the call-signs right it was the wing-man that went in not the lead. swede 11 & swede 12, usually the flight lead is "flight 1" & wing-man would be "flight 2" Controller AWACS or whatever would be "flight 0" or "flight actual".