View Full Version : We now have Robots that can detect Aliens ..

09-25-2023, 01:59
Not the illegal kind - they're not hard to detect
seeing as how they're numberless and everywhere.
No this is the ET kind found among the Stars.
I'm wondering how far this detection gift stretches
as the Universe is rather large. Do we have to send
these things roaming the Galaxy, searching or can
it detect an Alien housewife doing her laundry on
Andromeda from right here on Earth ? As an aside,
I'm for launching every last one of these things
into space just to get rid of them.
As another aside; I don't regard microbes as intelligent life
so why waste time and money looking for them ?


09-25-2023, 08:05
You know we just received 8 ounces of dust from an asteroid. It's pretty impressive that they could send a robot 20 million miles, have it land on the rock, scoop up some dust and return it to Earth. It landed exactly where they wanted it to. Round trip- 44 million miles. Supposedly, it might be the key to the origin of us. I know I came from out of my mom's womb but I don't really want to know all the details. That aside, was it worth the X-billion it cost to find out something that we pretty much know. A bunch of dust condensed billions of years ago and out of pure luck we were created.

Distant aliens: it's those damn UFO's again.
Microbes: give em a chance.

09-26-2023, 09:01
A question little closer to home but why is there so many different types of living species of various types on earth and how, or where, did they come from!

09-26-2023, 09:17
Things have a real desire to live. Since the origin of our planet many things have come and gone. Some things are only known about because a geologist finds a spec in a rock that shows it was "something" a long time ago.

09-26-2023, 11:27
Is the Dust out there any different from the Dust here ?
If the Scientists want dust, come to my house - please.

09-26-2023, 11:44
With robots becoming more lifelike and aliens becoming more "present" in the near future we may be saying "We now have aliens who can detect robots".