View Full Version : Another BS JFK assassination malarky!

10-02-2023, 06:46

We have talked about the black pointed armor piercing ammo that would penetrate armored vehicles. Why would the steel cored 6.5 Carcano bullet penetrate flesh and bones and not be disformed?

The bullets in 0swald's guns had been pulled from WWII ammo and were indeed steel cored.

Just another try to make money on a long solved happening.


In particular, Landis's recollections are at odds with the Commission's finding that one bullet ? the so-called 'magic' bullet ? was able to pass through John F. Kennedy then hit Texas Governor John Connally in multiple places before emerging undamaged.

Yes! It was easily capable of doing just that!

10-04-2023, 06:39
. . . . .The bullets in 0swald's guns had been pulled from WWII ammo and were indeed steel cored. . . . .!

It seems to me I recollect the ammo in Oswald’s rifle was commercial Winchester soft points.

Am I wrong?

10-04-2023, 09:32
It seems to me I recollect the ammo in Oswald?s rifle was commercial Winchester soft points.

Am I wrong?

Yes. The ammo available at the time in the US was made with recycled military bullets. I'll try to find the picture of the bullet found on the stretcher. It is obviously a FMJ and not a soft point. Back in 1970s I bought 100 pulled military bullets and was amazed when one was attracted by accident to a magnet on the reloading bench.