View Full Version : Our Society has become too soft ...

10-03-2023, 02:24
and it's breaking down the very society it's supposedly protecting.
Who said that human life is sacrosanct ? Why do we not get rid
of those that are a proven threat to others ? Why do we tolerate
Pedophiles, the despoilers of young children, the murderers of
Women,the terrorists and others who are a cancer on society?
Look at this sorry excuse for a human who would have done harm
to a nine year old girl. If I had my way the guy would be shot
right now which would remove any future threat he could pose,
plus it would save a whole heap of taxpayer money.
There's too much mollycoddling going on caused mostly by the
democrat bureaucrats who thrive on chaos, but also by our weird
idea of turning the other cheek in favor of society's dregs.
There are punishments and there are rewards. We seem to have
forgotten which is which. Maybe being Mr Nice Guy has gone too far.


S.A. Boggs
10-03-2023, 02:36
Do away with warning labels, many stupid, and let nature do the rest.

10-03-2023, 03:12
Do away with warning labels, many stupid, and let nature do the rest.


10-03-2023, 09:25
Yeah, yeah.
I concure. In my earlier post Elon Musk pointed out that certain Germans were (being way more nice than they are accounted for) sending out boats to rescue vermin from the swamps.
Some chancellor responded: It's called saving lives. Well, first off, if they had stayed at home they wouldn't be in any predicament. Kind of like going to the Casino. You take your chances. There are levels of gamblers. Some lose a little and some lose a lot, depending on background, brains, et;el. So, what I'm getting at is; are we, though our government and hippie love required to absorb ten's of thousands of humans? I'm not used to this and luckily my little neighborhood isn't a target yet. But my neighborhood doesn't have the facilities to be a dog pound. I like dogs and cats but I don't need to be kept awake at night by barking. Dogs and cats procreate. Other groups do too. That's not my fault.