View Full Version : Decimation Russian armored column. Dozens of vehicles turned to dust

10-14-2023, 10:28
Russian attacks in the Avdiivka area are conducted with significant forces. Tanks and mechanized units participate in them, but the mistakes made by the Russians and the capabilities of the Ukrainian artillery cause the attackers to suffer very serious losses. An example of this is the massacre that met one of the Russian columns.

Oops the correct sight didn't come up!

10-14-2023, 01:20
There are several fresh You Tube vids of the fighting around Avdiivka where Russians took horrendous losses. Much of the blame goes to Russky leadership who take conscripts - give them 2 weeks training (if they're lucky) - and throw them to the wolves/Ukranian army. SW

S.A. Boggs
10-14-2023, 03:47
Gonna be alot of scrap metal after this madness ends.