View Full Version : Time for some new brass.

10-18-2023, 02:10
Time to junk a bunch of LC, RA and DAG brass. Finally got up the guts to bring out a few boxes of new Lapua .308 brass out of the stash. Annealed it this afternoon and sized all 400 cases. First half has been wet tumbled in the SS pins and is now in the dryer. Once dried it gets trimmed and them primed and ready to load. Whatta Hobby!


10-18-2023, 07:11
“ . . .got up the guts . . . .”

I know how you feel . . . .

I’m now at the stage of scrapping my many-times-fired Hornet brass . . . . .

Like saying goodby to an old friend!

With all of that “sweat equity” we put into brass prep, it’s hard to say goodby.

10-18-2023, 08:14
So true. Some of the RA 68 I have had in the shop since the '80s. It has more than paid for itself.

10-18-2023, 09:12
Way back in the 80's I bought a huge pile of .30-06 LC NM brass. Best $25 I ever spent for brass! All gorgeous once fired. Took time to sort by weight ... light/medium/heavy. Used the heavy for years for fiddling around, general shooting. Now am about halfway through the medium. At this rate, the light batch will be part of the estate. My descendants can figure out who gets it. Sincerely. bruce.