View Full Version : 21 Oct. 1959

10-21-2023, 04:50
It was 64 years ago today that I began my 4 years with the US Air Force. I graduated from High School in May of 59. Worked that summer for $1.85 an hour. Made some life long friends during my stint. Learned much about people, different from my usual acquaintances. Helped keep the B-52's flying during my time in the service. Was part of the vast team of service people that made the Soviet Union back out of Cuba. Saw the worried look on some of the NCO's faces when we reported in just after Kennedy said he was putting the troops on full alert.

The world has changed considerably since then. Our Country and those that run our government have changed also. We now have people within the ranks that are supposed to be leaders of our servicemen. The qualifications to enter have been lowered to the extent that being the best on your part doesn't seem to work when the one next to you was exempted for what ever reason. Loss of loyalty to one another. Can't depend on the other person as much as one could in the past. Different standards. Can't seem to fill the recruiting numbers that are needed. Where are the volunteers of yesteryear? Just some thoughts during today.

10-21-2023, 06:52
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

10-21-2023, 08:21
With Woke Senior officers and War dept Wokeies,
Diversity training (whatever the hell that is) and
Equity being rammed down your throat,
who'd want to volunteer ?

10-22-2023, 10:21
Should the need arise, I think the american guerilla army would far out number the regulars.

10-23-2023, 05:46
PWC, I think your right should the fight be brought to our shores. The problem with that as I see it, most of these guerillas would be the hunters we have now. The problem, how many rounds of ammo does the hunter really keep on hand. Many purchase their usual 20 rounds for deer season. Use 3 to 5 rounds to verify sighting in properly. Balance of rounds, a couple used to down a deer and the balance put away in storage. The only ones that might have a decent supply most likely are the serious target shooters. Based on some old numbers I recall, that might be around 1200 to 1500 competitors.

10-24-2023, 10:07
I am hearing from many that there is a wave of prior service folks in their 20s - 40s who are advising their own younger families against enlisting. Sad, but understandable still.