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View Full Version : Gun ID?

10-30-2023, 09:40
This platoon of Chetniks has quite an assortment of rifles. Ammo supply must have been an issue for them. But front row - the fellow to the left is holding what appears to be an Italian Vetterli in 6,5 caliber? Reflection from the magazine may be confusing me. SW

No question what this old boy has. Somewhere he acquired a lend lease Thompson... and a worthy set of whiskers! SW

Doc Sharptail
10-30-2023, 11:11
I can't tell much from these images. Both appear to be taken with a camera with light leaks.
The vetterli's I know nothing about. Looks like there's more than a couple of 93 mauser in there too at 175 %.
Beyond that, the details break up pretty severely...


Doc Sharptail