View Full Version : E-mail problems

11-01-2023, 11:26
This may or may never happen to the rest of you. So far my wife's account is OK.

What has happened is suddenly I can't log on to my Yahoo email account. It is storing my user name and password but wants me to enter a code sent to my "recovery email address" which in my case is AOL.

When I try to log on to AOL the same thing is happening except it is requiring the code sent to Yahoo, which I can't get into.

I discovered this today after receiving an order from Wal Mart (on-line). When I tried to contact WM they required the code sent to Yahoo.

Still trying to log on. Now Yahoo is trying to force me to link my Google email account with them since they have done such a good job of screwing up all my other accounts.

I tried to contact Yahoo by phone but you know how that goes.

Once I resolve this mess I am getting my pictures and other info off of Yahoo. I probably shouldn't close it but I will reduce it to bare minimum items.

Yahoo may be trying to force me to buy their services because when I tried calling the recording stated "have your CC number handy".

I may end up having to pay for an email account but after the stunt they've pulled it won't be with Yahoo.

Any idea's on who to use?

11-01-2023, 01:41
Well, after a few hours and a lot of headaches from me trying to resolve things the links work again. This was Yahoo > AOL > Walmart all whom are connected one way or another.

What happened I donno. It may have been a glitch or an unsuccessful hack. It may be something that my Chromebook or Win 11 fixed (or caused).

Just writing to let you know it could happen to you.

11-04-2023, 09:48
Allen, I switched to Outlook. From what I was able to detect, I think my yahoo e mail account was Hacked. My password was no longer valid. I do not store any passwords on my computer and I do not do any banking or bill paying via the internet. I am helping to support the US Postal Service via the purchasing of stamps.

11-05-2023, 05:46
Everything on my Win 11 desktop started working again after a few hours. My Chromebook did not recover so I did what they call a "powerwash" on it which erases everything ever entered on it. Then start over like the computer is new out of the box. That did the trick.

The next morning the log-in was different with a different look so I'm assuming that Google (Chromebook) was the culprit with a forced update. I may be wrong but otherwise I can't explain anything.

As far as not storing passwords, you'd be surprised at what the computer stores w/o you knowing about it. Since this happened I bought 2 more Lenovo Chromebooks (for my kids). One of them has a finger print reader which is suppose to be about as "hack proof" as you can get. Time will tell.

11-05-2023, 10:25
The computer Age. We are so addicted to our 'devices'. I've had the Blue Screen of Death, and it is a little shocking to lose the one you love. Now, this is kind of like Bigfoot nonsense, but I read a few days back, that there was a humongous sun spot erupting and it was a 'class 7' (real big). It might affect electronics. It might also affect people- headaches, tiredness, etc. I'm tired all the time, so that might be hard to discern. I kind of believe this stuff.
By the way- for the last couple of weeks my screen picture has been half off of the screen. I had to hit the little square in the upper right corner to get it to expand. The other day Norton sent me a message that I had some problem and they wanted to fix it. No charge. It seemed ligit so I hit the yes button. Picture is back where it belongs.

11-05-2023, 03:36
I remember when Jackie Gleason had to straighten Norton out all the time.

11-07-2023, 07:06
yahoo is notorious for hacked email accounts

11-07-2023, 09:16
Yes, and yet they force you to link your account with a recovery email system by threatening your account may become compromised and lose all your data/history. I was against this from day one because with linked accounts a hacker has access to everything. I opened and linked an AOL account for this reason and don't use it for anything.

I have a Google account too and the gmail is trying to force me to link this account with the others as well but I've held off. I use this account to log on to my Chromebook (Google owned) so I don't think they will punish me if I don't link.

Oddly, I just noticed that all the emails my wife has sent to me and some by others all went to the spam folder on Yahoo about 3 weeks before this situation occurred.