View Full Version : Robbing Peter to pay for Paul's EV ...

11-01-2023, 02:24
Really pisses me off, especially when I look at my electric bill.
Doesn;t help any when I fill up my carbon spewing evil gas guzzling Car.


Major Tom
11-03-2023, 06:22
In my area, the State says you can save money by having solar panels installed on your house. That's pure B.S. Our neighbor had over $10,000 worth of solar panels installed. Their savings on their bill amounted to a monthly average of $10. To top that, our entire neighbor hood's electric bills increased to help the electric company get more money back. Plus, if one of those solar panels goes bad, cost to replace average $12,000 each which the home owner pays out of pocket!
Our electric company is also pushing "free" smart thermostats. Those "smart thermostats" can be controlled by the electric company to cut power useage any time they see the need to! Don't fall for that scheme either! You may sweat in hot weather and have to wear full on muckluks indoors during below freezing temps!
This "climate crisis" is all B.S.