View Full Version : China recalls it's Pandas ...

11-14-2023, 07:03
That sounds ominous.
They were great ambassadors and attracted a huge following
of zoo goers fascinated by their comedic antics. They introduced
us to the new pastime of Bamboo chewing, struck up friendships
with the other zoo inmates all of whom are serving life sentences.
and generally brightened our drab lives, They will be sorely missed.
On a more sober note, I hope this business of animal retrieval isn't
to cover up something more sinister.

11-14-2023, 08:18
With China you never know. They may now be considered part of a well balanced breakfast.

Pandas are native to and the property of China. China wants to preserve them. They should feel the same way about their people. The Chinese that have flooded other countries, especially here, should all be recalled.

On an almost related topic, Louisiana white alligators are considered property of Louisiana. They are not albinos, have blue eyes and semi transparent skin. You don't hear much about them anymore.

Former Cav
11-20-2023, 11:23
brandon must've kissed xi's butt in the right places. I heard that the "Pandas are back"

11-20-2023, 11:43
Pandas. It's all more than any man should have to bear. Sincerely. bruce. :icon_wink: