View Full Version : I've been knocking on the conspiring idiots for 60 years...

11-22-2023, 07:53
Maybe, no not even maybe, they will continue their dreams and never join the people that were actually there.

Oswald was the one and only one that killed JFK.


11-22-2023, 08:00
If it was so cut and dry why would all the files be locked away until everyone of that generation who may have had involvement be dead?

No conspiracy = no secrets.

11-23-2023, 06:37
Conspiracies rarely have a recording secretary, carefullu kept minutes, rosters of attendees, etc. If there was a conspiracy it involved very few extremely discreet and low keyed

Doc Sharptail
11-23-2023, 05:00
If it was so cut and dry why would all the files be locked away until everyone of that generation who may have had involvement be dead?

No conspiracy = no secrets.


11-23-2023, 06:44

It is possible the sun will never rise again. But 99.999999% of scientists disagree.

You can believe that Abe Lincoln was killed by Donald Trump!

The odds that happened are better than the odds that Oswald did not kill JFK.

Conspiracies are nothing more than theories.

11-23-2023, 08:44
Oswald was the one and only one that killed JFK.

Joe Kennedy betrayed the mafia who helped get JFK elected. RFK was a U.S. attorney who was going after the mafia so it's more than probable that the mafia was behind the shooting of both of them. Jack Ruby who wanted to silence Oswald so bad was also linked to the mafia. Jack Ruby killed Oswald on national TV while he was in police custody and was photo'd as well. He was arrested and given a death sentence, then it was overturned.

Besides the mafia many people throughout the world wanted JFK dead. Before his term there were NO American troops in the Vietnam war. Just advisors trying to aid a conflict.

There was no Cuban missile crisis before Kennedy and he is the one who caused it bringing the U.S. and the world to the brink of WW3.

And you feel Oswald acted alone?

We weren't there but don't forget, you weren't either.

Doc Sharptail
11-23-2023, 11:24
There is some recent fictional writing on the subject as well.

King's effort at this (he believes the findings of the warren commission, btw) is at the very least a heck of a good yarn, and highly entertaining as well.
I'm a footnote reader, and a bit surprised by the amount of research he put into the story.
Personally, if it smells like a dead fish, that's what it usually is.


Doc Sharptail

11-24-2023, 04:27
The biggest objection to the Warren Commission Report is that it was not conducted in an adversarial fashion, there was no one representing Oswald, to defend him, etc.