View Full Version : Have you noticed?

11-24-2023, 10:09
Have you noticed that the quarters have changed again?

Over time I've learned to pass on found dimes and nickels laying around not being worth the effort to pick them up. However, I will still pick a quarters and of course paper $.

Recently I saw a 2022 quarter laying in a parking lot. This coin looked different. I put it in my pocket and while looking at it later noticed the profile was different and Washington's ponytail had changed.

The biggest change was though he was facing the other direction. Now for years our "elected" officials have wanted to remove "In God We Trust" from all currency but have been unsuccessful in doing so. This change on the quarter shows George turning his back to the phrase. This is obviously a show of their opinions and disgust that they can't leave it off.

The new "woke" quarters.

11-24-2023, 12:58
Turning the other cheek ?

Vern Humphrey
11-25-2023, 02:42
Over time I've learned to pass on found dimes and nickels laying around not being worth the effort to pick them up. s.
I always pick up found coins.

Look at this way -- It takes you a second to pick up a penny. With 60 seconds in a minute and 50 minutes in an hour, you're making $72K a year. And there is no FICA tax or income tax on it. That works out to the equivalent of more than $100K a year.

11-25-2023, 04:15
I dump pennies in the parking lot.

11-25-2023, 05:04
That's funny. So you can watch the pigeons.