View Full Version : Saturday coffee Nov. 25
11-25-2023, 07:09
Snowed again last night, but it was light & fluffy = I easily pushed it off the walk with one hand on the shovel. Streets still slippery - does that slow people down? Not that I could tell. So the walk is scooped for me & 2 neighbors - dishes done - laundry brought up. Later on I'll rev up the big pot of pinto beans, ham hocks and garlic sausage I started last night with ketchup and brown sugar. Maybe a little hot pepper since wifey doesn't partake.
I did score fresh cinnamon rolls earlier - just the ticket for soaking in coffee... when wifey makes a pot. SW
On light and fluffy snow I wonder if a leaf blower would work?
I have little experience with snow.
11-25-2023, 09:58
I believe it would. But it was so light & fluffy it was no bother to just shove it aside. SW
gunshow weekend,
chilly but not really cold,
down in Hampton Va, staying in Norfolk on Oceanview, (beach front, )
breezy and cold wind, and the water was a bit rough this morning,,,
no tunnel traffic,, so far, which is good
Johnny P
11-25-2023, 07:20
As a kid I had a great aunt that I stayed with quite a bit. She had a little jingle about beans.
"Beans, beans, the musical fruit,
The more you eat the more you ----."
11-26-2023, 06:25
Our main way of dealing with the after effect of beans is yogurt. In fact, I just bought more when I was getting Sunday morning deli breakfast.
Warming up here. It's 31 right now (0600) which is warmer than it was all day yesterday. SW
one shot
11-26-2023, 12:16
As a kid I had a great aunt that I stayed with quite a bit. She had a little jingle about beans.
"Beans, beans, the musical fruit,
The more you eat the more you ----."
decent show, not the best but good enough
was hoping to see Jouster Member Robert Scott, but did not ,
traffic was good all weekend, until the ride home, then bumper to bumper, from 35 to 70, and back,
still made good time, got the van parked in the garage (had to move a few things about) so I don't have to unload it,
alarm set,
off to NOVA tomorrow to pick up more out of a collection and meet with one of the Power of Attorneys, will likely fill up the RAV4 and get a pile of ammo in the back of brother's pickup,,,
the estate owner is unfortunately in the hospital, not sure why, so I won't get to see him (nice guy, can be a bit grumpy but it is all an act, and he knows I know that)
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