View Full Version : It's long past due for these dogs to be banned ...

12-01-2023, 07:53
Pit Bulls are vicious, banned in the UK as they should be here.
They can be quite demure for quite a while and then watch out.
If people own them and get mauled that's one thing and to
be truthful get scant sympathy from me. But to get mauled
by somebody else's dog is quite another and the owners should
pay dearly. In this case it doesn't say whose dogs they are, but
they sure made a mess of this woman. At least the dogs are dead.


Vern Humphrey
12-02-2023, 11:35
I owned a pit bull for several years. You couldn't find a more devoted dog (He did kill and eat armadillos, but you can't hold that against him.)

S.A. Boggs
12-02-2023, 12:10
We have had Murphy for several years, a big baby.

Vern Humphrey
12-02-2023, 12:50
We have had Murphy for several years, a big baby.

That's been my experience -- pit bulls may knock you down in their exuberance, and drown you with saliva as they lick your face, but they are wonderful dogs.

12-02-2023, 01:18
Yes, my friend had one that was a pussy cat, but when
it died she got another one which would attack anyone
except her of course. It attacked me twice, the first time
was when I got out of my truck - it was on a long leash
and chased me around the truck until the leash jammed
under the front wheel. The second time was worse as it
escaped the house and came at me. Weirdly it stopped
about twelve feet away and stood there growling with
bared teeth. It was a face off between my 32 Colt and his
teeth. Luckily she ran out and grabbed it. It was not a
nice experience. Luckily it died.

S.A. Boggs
12-02-2023, 02:30
I have two Wolf hybrids that in some state's54196 possession is not possible, Ohio is not one of those. This is a picture of my wife in her recliner in the Great Room with our "lap dog".

12-02-2023, 02:39
All dogs are sweet around their owners. It's the visitors that need to be cautious.

While many dog owners like this type of protection it can also lead to lawsuits. Many mailmen, delivery personnel, kids, and other pets get attacked and sometimes killed by overprotective dogs.

I've been attacked twice by large dogs that could have been fatal. Each time the dog knew me well and was normally friendly. Each time the dog was a German Sheppard.

S.A. Boggs
12-02-2023, 02:48
Both of my K9's have electronic collars that buzz, vibrate their skull or roll them. I keep the controls on me at all times, just in case of need. Normally I just use the buzz to get their attention. When they go out, I do not have to yell to have them return, just press a button.

12-02-2023, 03:21
Almost Robots

S.A. Boggs
12-02-2023, 03:46
Almost Robots

One must understand Wolves to be able to work with them. Often a certain look will suffice to get them to do or not do something. Wolf, I have had for 7 years, and she knows what not to do, the rest is easy for her. Heidi is still in training on what not to do. Electronic control is often better than a leash for control. On leash, neither dog will tug, just walk at my speed. Both dogs are on my left side, along with my walking staff.

12-02-2023, 07:53
A wolf talker (safer than being a bear talker). It might work a little, but it's not your native language. But, a devoted domesticated dog is close to being civilized. They should be treated nicely.

12-03-2023, 02:54
If you treat a dog badly enough, you can make it mean and dangerous. Any dog, really. That said, a mean, dangerous pit bull, rottweiler, mastiff, etc. is more dangerous than a bad Pomeranian.


12-03-2023, 03:10
If you treat a dog badly enough, you can make it mean and dangerous. Any dog, really. That said, a mean, dangerous pit bull, rottweiler, mastiff, etc. is more dangerous than a bad Pomeranian.


Agree, and female's seem to be more protective and apt to attack.

For some dogs it is an instinct though. The 2 Sheppards I mentioned were well loved family dogs.

12-03-2023, 05:28
I've only been bit once on the job. The lady opened the door and a little poodle nailed me.

12-04-2023, 07:53
Dogs. What to say? My dogs have been sweet and precious. Buster was a little terrier. Shep was a (surprise) German Shepherd who I loved from 2nd grade up to my senior year of college. Many years later ... Hershe was a Scotch Terrier that we got for my little girl. Guess how she got her name? Molly was a pure bred Heinz 57 who thought she was a prissy English Pointer. I got her on Easter Sunday morning 2004 when someone threw her out of a pickup truck. She landed in the front yard of the parsonage. She died in my arms in the Summer of 2021.

Dogs. Again, what to say? If all dogs were like the ones that have been a part of my life, then I'd be inclined to think that there really are dogs in heaven. Sadly, lots of dogs are not like the ones I've loved. Lots of dogs wind up living like characters in a horror story. And, not surprisingly, they act like it.

My heart goes out to this lady who is not maimed in direct consequence of a dog owner who utterly failed the most basic obligation of a dog owner ... to love and care for his dogs. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.