View Full Version : Jogging is for Nitwits ...

12-15-2023, 07:09
It seems it's a waste of energy and will give you nothing but bad feet.
Same goes for most other exercises. Walking is the best exercise.
The only times I have had to partake were School and the Army.
I'm up there in age and still mildly sprightly which I think proves my point.


Mark in Ottawa
12-16-2023, 01:16
I have had three knee replacements (two partials and one total) apparently as a result of 25 years of jogging on hard pavements. My physiotherapist told me that jogging was one of the worst things that I could have done to my body.

One of the problems with jogging is that it becomes a bit addictive. I should have restricted my addictions to drinking, smoking and women of doubtful morals.

12-16-2023, 02:48
I should have restricted my addictions to drinking, smoking and women of doubtful morals.

It's never too late Mark

Sorry I called you a nitwit.

12-17-2023, 04:59
One WWII veteran told that in Basic they rain barefoot on grass. I am a bicyclist, live at the top of a good sized hill, that gives me a good workout. In college I swam a lot, found that, when I worked up to swimming a mile I could go out and run 5 miles with no problem.