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The Apprentice
12-25-2023, 08:24
My Enfield No.4 Mark I (T)
The Enfield No4 MkI rifle is a bolt-action rifle that was used by the British military during World War II. The No4 MkI was the standard issue rifle for British and Commonwealth forces from 1939 until the mid-1950s when it was replaced by the L1A1 SLR (Self-Loading Rifle). It saw extensive service during World War II and was also used by many other countries after the war. The No4 MkI was known for its accuracy, reliability, and durability, and it remains a popular firearm among collectors and shooters today.

Mine still is in the .303 Cartridge and does real well with the original sniper scope.

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53412169292_717f6520cc_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pnRk5y)IMG_0516 (https://flic.kr/p/2pnRk5y) by Jeff Lee (https://www.flickr.com/photos/193435206@N02/), on Flickr

https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53413417814_805fbca654_k.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2pnXJdN)IMG_0518 (https://flic.kr/p/2pnXJdN) by Jeff Lee (https://www.flickr.com/photos/193435206@N02/), on Flickr

12-25-2023, 08:46
Very nice and rarely seen. Doesn't appear to be far from new.

Thanks for sharing.

k arga
12-25-2023, 12:07
Always wanted one, have the US snipers but no British.

12-25-2023, 11:13
Another British Enfield Sniper.

12-26-2023, 07:51
Thank you terrylee. It would appear these were issued new and well cared for by the user.

12-26-2023, 10:05
Are there any FTR or other rebuild marks on the rifles? That might explain the fine condition.

Also, the U.S. M1907 sling is correct for these rifles :icon_salut: .

Phloating Phlasher
12-26-2023, 10:23
I've been told, but cant independently confirm that ALL (T) rifles should have an FTR stamp, because of the return to Hollands for tuning.

12-26-2023, 10:49
Neither my No.4Mk 1(T) nor my L42 A1 have the FTR marking. When they went to H & H they were brand new rifles.

Strangely, their serial numbers are only ten apart. Obviously, both from the same factory batch, one later upgraded, the other not.

12-26-2023, 11:02
I've been told, but cant independently confirm that ALL (T) rifles should have an FTR stamp, because of the return to Hollands for tuning.

to my limited knowledge, H&H set up the scopes and brackets, but was never a FTR location

none of mine (I have 4 currently) have a FTR mark

the one i have with transit chest has a marking on the butt indicating Base Workshop repair in Malaysia,

Phloating Phlasher
12-26-2023, 01:55
Well, there goes another "fact" :icon_lol: