View Full Version : Stupid parents beget stupid kids ...

12-31-2023, 04:05
Today's infants don't play with their toys, they
swallow them or stuff them up their nose or in
their ears or probably where there's no sunlight.
So toymakers can't sell playthings smaller than
a baseball unless they enjoy courtroom dramas.
When I was a young kid I played with marbles
same as the other kids. We didn't try to eat them
or inhale them or listen to them up close. Much
in our toyboxes was small. I had a toy canon, toy
soldier size that fired used phonograph needles.
And I didn't put any of my friends' eye out.
Were we smarter then or braver or is it that today's
society is turning everyone into scaredycats ?


12-31-2023, 04:32
It just might be over protective parents.

Phloating Phlasher
12-31-2023, 05:03
Or utterly useless ones?

Vern Humphrey
01-01-2024, 07:13
My nephew stuck beans up his nose. My sister-in-law rushed him to the doctor. When they got back to the farm he said, "Mama? When the doctor took the beans out of my nose, why didn't he take the beans out of my ears, too?"

She said they flew out when she hit him!:icon_lol:

01-01-2024, 05:46
5 yr old in OK... bayhroom had a gas heater to heat room for bath in OK cold winter. I was taught to use a wooden strike anywhere match to light the stove. Had my own hatchet and a cub scout knife with 4 blades, sharp.

I see kids in the mall now and wonder if their parents can safely light a gas stove.

Vern Humphrey
01-02-2024, 09:05
5 yr old in OK... bayhroom had a gas heater to heat room for bath in OK cold winter. I was taught to use a wooden strike anywhere match to light the stove. Had my own hatchet and a cub scout knife with 4 blades, sharp.

I see kids in the mall now and wonder if their parents can safely light a gas stove.

That is why Banana Joe* wants to outlaw gas stoves.

* What kind of anmial eats bananas? What kind of anmial votes for Biden?