View Full Version : Generation Z, a generation of dunces ...

01-05-2024, 04:27
These teachers are laying the blame on the kids and their parents
for failing to learn the basic skills of reading and writing without
which it becomes difficult to learn anything else. My Mother had
enough to do bringing up me and my siblings without having to
take on the task of teacher, although she did suggest I do my
homework. Back in my day the teachers were well schooled in
their subjects and they stood no nonsense from us kids. Today's
teachers are a sorry lot for the most part who barely know their
subjects. How they expect to teach English when they say things
like y'all and ain't leaves me as worried about the future as they
profess to be.


01-05-2024, 05:51
And now they have 2 extra years to teach grade level. K-4 and K-5 was added w/o our consent. My time at home at this age was priceless to me.

Vern Humphrey
01-06-2024, 01:30
And now they have 2 extra years to teach grade level. K-4 and K-5 was added w/o our consent. My time at home at this age was priceless to me.

I'm all for whatever it takes. I just don't want to hear any more whining about how" it's all the parents' fault" (If that's true then the schools CAN'T succeed -- so stop throwing money at them.)

Or, "It's all due to covid" (Them how come other countries don't show the same rate 9f failure?)

Johnny P
01-07-2024, 12:02
The teachers of today couldn't get by with correcting students the way they could when I went to school. If you were misbehaving or disruptive in class the teacher could whip your butt, but not today. Friend of ours taught grade school level students, and said a student could stand there and call you every name they had ever heard, and there was nothing she could do. Same if she didn't pronounce their names correctly. Not the same teaching/learning environment.

01-07-2024, 01:04
Have had many teachers, both public and private, in the churches which I served from 1979 up until 2023. The number one problem with education, regardless of setting, is the failure of family stability. Screaming and hollering about the kids is about like blaming a tire for failing when the whole suspension system has rusted off the truck. Like it or not, the failure of stable families is the ground zero root cause of much of the failure of modern educational process. Blaming the teachers, blaming the kids, blaming the "system" ... all that merely avoids placing blame where it belongs ... on the parents.

Vern Humphrey
01-07-2024, 06:54
These teachers are laying the blame on the kids and their parents
for failing to learn the basic skills of reading and writing without
which it becomes difficult to learn anything else. My Mother had
enough to do bringing up me and my siblings without having to
take on the task of teacher, although she did suggest I do my
homework. Back in my day the teachers were well schooled in
their subjects and they stood no nonsense from us kids. Today's
teachers are a sorry lot for the most part who barely know their
subjects. How they expect to teach English when they say things
like y'all and ain't leaves me as worried about the future as they
profess to be.


According to the NEA, that's all due covid. But they don't explain why OUR schools have collapsed, but other nations' (who also had covid) are roaring ahead of us.

01-07-2024, 07:11
LBJ made destroying the family his policy.