View Full Version : Coffee Thread

Doc Sharptail
01-14-2024, 09:21
In the Spirit of Hogger's weekly update post:

Just sipping some black Maxwell House colombian coffee here.

About 20 below here, and we have a small space heater running and our bedroom window plasticked and taped up. Cold enough here to freeze the knackers off a bronzed primate.

I dunno if I'm gonna do this weekly- I miss the originals.
For those of you wondering about the forum, don't be dissuaded by the skeletonized white background version of the forum- it still works, with most of the things we need in small type blue highlighting. Don't be fazed by the the repeated log-in requests- I have to log in for every reply and post I make here. A bit of patience, armed with a good set of drug store readers will almost make this place seem normal. :hello:


Doc Sharptail

01-14-2024, 10:09
Thanks for posting. We were dying on the vine.

As far as the forum appearance goes, all is normal here except for the brief mentions I made before. Whatever happened (here) cured itself within a couple of days.

Temps here for the past few days have been 60's to near 70 with mostly sunshine, then down to near freezing at night. Next Tuesday is predicted to go down to 18. Cold for us and extra freeze protection required.

Phloating Phlasher
01-14-2024, 02:22
I see no change to the page?

Doc Sharptail
01-14-2024, 06:18
I see no change to the page?


There's what the forum looks like on the main page for most of us on Win 10 after the latest round of up-dates from M/S.
The rest of it is much similar.

Forum is normal on my Android based phone, which is a real pain to post with due to the smaller screen and key-pad.


Doc Sharptail

Phloating Phlasher
01-15-2024, 12:14
Wow! Not sure, My "Windoze" 10 is current & my browser is Firefox current also.
Not sure why but I still see in the original colors & format.


Doc Sharptail
01-15-2024, 12:26
Wow! Not sure, My "Windoze" 10 is current & my browser is Firefox current also.
Not sure why but I still see in the original colors & format.

I'm pretty sure it's the M/S Edge browser with it's non-beta tested A/I that's doing it.


Doc Sharptail

01-15-2024, 01:45
Going to get cold here tomorrow night. We are preparing for it.

Doc Sharptail
01-15-2024, 03:41
Lol! Holy Rosary tire chains, Batman!


Doc Sharptail

01-16-2024, 07:13
Tried to mail a letter this morning but the mailbox door was frozen shut. I think the low was only 28 last night but since it is almost always wet and raining here a little freeze goes a long way. And yes, it rained too.

01-16-2024, 01:43
forum is funky , that is all I can say about that,
as I type on my ancient Windows 7 Dell,

the other laptops I use are as pictured

meanwhile, big small gunshow in Hampton,

had a great show, very very busy,

and did Lobby Day (VCDL event for no more gun control) at the State Capitol yesterday,

01-17-2024, 09:43
The last few years the cold snaps have occurred as far South as central Florida causing the iguanas to get stunned and fall out of the trees. I didn't even know FL had iguanas till this started happening.

We had our beneficial cold snap of 19 degrees last night with more on the way.

01-17-2024, 11:13
Frost on the roofs in the morning, Boganvillas are turning brown, mulberry still has some leaves; but for the most part I'm still shoveling sunshine off my driveway in Phoenix

01-18-2024, 08:56
Mo' better this morning.

Sun is shining. Temp is around 40 and rising. Things are thawing out. No rain (yet).

Johnny P
01-19-2024, 05:50
The last few years the cold snaps have occurred as far South as central Florida causing the iguanas to get stunned and fall out of the trees. I didn't even know FL had iguanas till this started happening.

We had our beneficial cold snap of 19 degrees last night with more on the way.

Lots of videos on You Tube of people shooting the iguanas with air rifles. Unbelievable how they have multiplied in Florida from people releasing pets. Golf courses hire people to come in and shoot them.

01-19-2024, 06:12
Lots of videos on You Tube of people shooting the iguanas with air rifles. Unbelievable how they have multiplied in Florida from people releasing pets. Golf courses hire people to come in and shoot them.

What needs to be done at the Southern border. I don't think they have iguanas though.

Doc Sharptail
01-20-2024, 12:11
The last few years the cold snaps have occurred as far South as central Florida causing the iguanas to get stunned and fall out of the trees. I didn't even know FL had iguanas till this started happening.

We had our beneficial cold snap of 19 degrees last night with more on the way.

Not really a new problem for S. Fla. Dave Barry was writing about his compact sized dog eating Iguanas in the Miami Herald back in the 80's.
Unfortunately, we haven't had a humour columnist that good since then...


Doc Sharptail

01-20-2024, 06:43
Not really a new problem for S. Fla. Dave Barry was writing about his compact sized dog eating Iguanas in the Miami Herald back in the 80's.
Unfortunately, we haven't had a humour columnist that good since then...


Doc Sharptail

While I only live 30 miles from the FL border I seldom travel there and haven't been very far South in FL since I took my kids to Orlando 25 years ago and St. Augustine (pretty place) 20 years ago.

01-29-2024, 01:49
Not really a new problem for S. Fla. Dave Barry was writing about his compact sized dog eating Iguanas in the Miami Herald back in the 80's.
Unfortunately, we haven't had a humour columnist that good since then...


Doc Sharptail

not just the ugly lizards, FLA has a Python\Boa problem too,

01-29-2024, 02:42
not just the ugly lizards, FLA has a Python\Boa problem too,

We would have the same problem here if not for our "beneficial" cold snaps. Not to mention extra weeds and bugs. Some things we don't have (like scorpions) because they would probably drown.

Weather is mild this week here. Sunny days in the 50's-60's with lows near freezing. Whenever it warms up any at all it rains.

Doc Sharptail
01-29-2024, 10:23
About 34-35 f here by mid-day, and then back down to 25-28f at night, which is a bit on the warm side for this time of year.

Roads are still kinda iffy- I've been off the bike for almost a month now. Sort of hoping for dry roads soon. I'd like to get back into riding for the exercise.

Been seeing red crested wood-peckers for most of the winter. I had thought they migrated. A little odd to see them trying to drill into the oaks and elms around here at ten below.

I'll keep an eye out for them- photo opportunities are still rare for me with those birds.


Doc Sharptail

01-30-2024, 03:14
Phoenix...30 Jan, high temp 78 degrees, WX channel says feels like 83. Yes it is warm, today I had to repair a water leek in the front, and sweat like July. Cooler this weekend and supposedly rain.

You all will get back at us in July - Aug when it's 120 degrees here and you are 85.

Doc Sharptail
02-03-2024, 09:29
33F and overcast today.
We actually came close to record warm for late January with the last two days of the month edging low 40's.

Streets are drying off quite a bit, with a lot of newly exposed pot-holes. I am going to get back on the bike in the next couple of days. Most of that really glossy overnight melt water ice is gone now, so should be a bit safer.
I could really use the exercise.


Doc Sharptail

02-03-2024, 09:45
Highs here in the 60's, lows in the low 40's. Sunny but hard to start any outside projects because everything is and stays wet. Heavy rains predicted for the next couple of days.

02-06-2024, 09:42
Phoenix...30 Jan, high temp 78 degrees, WX channel says feels like 83. Yes it is warm, today I had to repair a water leek in the front, and sweat like July. Cooler this weekend and supposedly rain.

You all will get back at us in July - Aug when it's 120 degrees here and you are 85.

"feels like" - depends whether your sitting in a chair on the patio under the shade having lunch or out in the sun busting your butt.

Doc Sharptail
02-07-2024, 01:45
The forum just folded on my Android phone this a.m..
I can still get on and post on the laptop with the stuff pictured and described on the first page of this thread.

Colorado low set to slap us beginning sometime over-night.
It's even supposed to clip Hogger. These counter clock-wise rotating low pressure cells appear to be more frequent these days, or maybe the joints in my knees are paying more attention to them. At any rate the system extends from the foothills all the way to the eastern edge of Minn, and from Just south of Nebr all the way to central Manitoba, with the north edge bisecting the Interlake area. Big system...


Doc Sharptail

02-07-2024, 01:55
The forum just folded on my Android phone this a.m..
I can still get on and post on the laptop with the stuff pictured and described on the first page of this thread

Strange. Everything is normal here (forum) but certainly not for everyone. I had that one blip for a couple of days that I mentioned, then everything returned on it's own.

Since I did have problems though I have to rule out area/location. I wonder if the cause could be signal strength? I think I read where Lyman said an upgrade to the forum's website may be needed but if so that will have to go through Pat.

Weather wise everything here is mostly overcast, cold, wet, windy. Overall crappy.

Doc Sharptail
02-07-2024, 05:18
Strange. Everything is normal here (forum) but certainly not for everyone. I had that one blip for a couple of days that I mentioned, then everything returned on it's own.

Since I did have problems though I have to rule out area/location. I wonder if the cause could be signal strength? I think I read where Lyman said an upgrade to the forum's website may be needed but if so that will have to go through Pat.

Weather wise everything here is mostly overcast, cold, wet, windy. Overall crappy.

We're on a fibre optic network here, with both the laptop and phone on the same wi-fi signal.
Grandson games off the same wi-fi signal, which devours massive amounts of band-width, so I doubt it's either of the wi-fi signal or network service. The system keeps up with everything to a much more than reasonable extent.

Very likely a security up-grade issue at the host server level.


Doc Sharptail

Doc Sharptail
02-10-2024, 10:19
About 28f here and light snow.

Supposed to head out for family meet today if any of the required party's are willing to show- no big deal, just playing catch-up and how the heck are ya's :P

Still playing around with and investigating photo flash, and am a bit surprised at how much I've retained and how well it all still works.


Doc Sharptail

02-10-2024, 10:28

02-11-2024, 07:37

02-13-2024, 08:41

Sunny today.

Fat Tuesday/Mardi Gras BS going on in Mobile. State holiday for them and us. Local news reporters covering the event all wearing sunglasses. Most all downtown Mobile streets closed off for the parades.

Cool evenings here around 40 and highs close to 70 in the days. Usually raining or overcast but a few moments of sunshine too. Early spring weeds popping up--will be mowing as soon as I pick up tree limbs all over the yard.

02-16-2024, 11:10

So much for needed yard work. Got a little bit accomplished yesterday. Would have done a lot more had I known it was going to be such a limited opportunity.

Doc Sharptail
02-17-2024, 08:50
About 15 F and finally clear here.
Not a lot on the agenda today other than making up some homemade chiz boogers, and maybe some home fries- probably dollar fries if I give myself enough time.
Just a bit under 12 weeks left to go to open water opening day for fishing.


Doc Sharptail

02-17-2024, 11:06
Just a bit under 12 weeks left to go to open water opening day for fishing.

Fishing wise you would like it here. You would have your choice of freshwater or saltwater fishing. We have plentiful ponds, lakes, rivers, Mobile bay and of course the Gulf of Mexico but then there's the constant rain thing. Most everyone here either has a boat or once had a boat.

Weather here sucks. Cool nights near freezing and highs in the 50's to 60's but feels colder due to the damp air. Not getting anything done outside. Next week predicted to be better but predictions change after they have already occurred.

Phloating Phlasher
02-17-2024, 07:55
Went to the range with a buddy, We B/Sd & do did the wives who get on well. I never actually fired a single round!
It was nice to meet up but too cold & windy to shoot. A nice social meeting though.
We did have our on little , private gun-show swap shop though, no actual firearms, its Md :icon_rolleyes:, but lots of iron sight parts./

Doc Sharptail
02-24-2024, 12:00
35 F here today with sunny breaks. It ain't gonna last though. There's a clipper on the way with 2-4" snow, and it's supposed to start tonight.

On 2nd cup of Max dark roast, which takes a bit of taste development. Haven't been able to find blue ribbon for quite a while now- the last hold out from the old Yuban days. Current coffee ain't bad, but no where near what it should be. Still like donut shop coffee from Robin's a lot. Some dept store labeled colombian is all right. Probably going to get some new coffee in here this week, just for taste's sake.


Doc Sharptail

02-24-2024, 02:25

There's what the forum looks like on the main page for most of us on Win 10 after the latest round of up-dates from M/S.
The rest of it is much similar.

Forum is normal on my Android based phone, which is a real pain to post with due to the smaller screen and key-pad.


Doc Sharptail

When my screen opens up like that, I click on the banner at the top and screen opens as norml

02-25-2024, 11:48
I tried that but it didn't work on mine.

My Chromebook is working fine and what I'm using now. Happily, for most of you, I can't post pictures right now.

Weather here is easing into Spring. I've been busy dragging limbs, mowing and spraying herbicide.

02-28-2024, 05:59
Heck, I can't even get Lightroom to accept a photo. Never-the-less, it is a great photo (I think) and I'll post it when I can.

02-28-2024, 10:09
We usually get a mid March light freeze that kills the blueberry blooms and other plants that flower at that time. Otherwise, here, Spring has sprung.

Highs in the high 70's with lows in the 40's to 60's. Ideal temps for us.

With a break in the rains I've been doing all the yard work I can. I have my little 2 acre yard but also work in my mother's 2 acre yard and my daughters 2 acre yard.

Went to two different Arbor Day events and got a few trees that I potted. If/when they leaf out I will have to decide where to plant or whom to give them to. Been ordering seeds and bulbs from ebay sellers too.

02-29-2024, 06:40
Strange. This forum has been messed up on my computer for 3-4 days now. I clicked on it a minute ago and it is still screwed up. Then, seconds later, out of habit, I clicked on it again and all is back to normal.

03-01-2024, 06:46
Rain all night. 2+ more inches predicted for today.

Johnny P
03-03-2024, 09:41
We had a flock of 15 or so Limpkins, which are native to Florida, take up on the lake where we live. Every day or so they would come by feeding along the edge of the lake. In the cold snap we had a few days back we saw them one day when the temperature was hovering around 12 degrees, and later that night dropped to 2 degrees. Haven't seen the Limpkins since which probably thought to hell with this, lets go back home.

03-04-2024, 10:19
Cloudy, breezy, overall crappy weather here today with 2 more inches of rain predicted for tonight and tomorrow. Temps in the 60's-70's but feels much cooler with all of this going on.

03-04-2024, 12:23
sitting in the shop today,
shorts , Tshirt and a shirt,

supposed to be high 60's all week,

raining a bit now,

Doc Sharptail
03-04-2024, 02:05
About 12F here today. We had a bit of a blow and snow over the weekend, and it's hard to judge accumulations with all the wind blown drifts. I'm guessing between 2"- 4". Winds are still a bit high with uncomfortable wind chill factors. A little over 70 days to go to opening day fishing for open water.


Doc Sharptail

03-07-2024, 08:44
Mostly warm here. Fruit trees are flowering and weeds are taking off. Been planting bulbs and re-potting plants that are in containers. Will be mowing for the 2nd time soon.

Having to swat carpenter bee's with a tennis racket already.

Doc Sharptail
03-08-2024, 09:19
About 24F here now. Got about 3" of snow over Wed-Thur. Forecast says daytime high's should start breaking the freezing point on Sunday. Been a bit of a dry winter with precipitation quite a bit below normal. The recent snows we've had were actually needed. Fingers crossed for a bit more yet~ would be nice to see some normal water levels this spring and summer.


Doc Sharptail

03-12-2024, 07:23
39 last night. 74 predicted for today. Sunny but heavy dew on the ground preventing morning yard work. Will burn off soon then I'll have no excuses.

03-14-2024, 06:30
Cars keep turning yellow (pollen). A carport doesn't shield them much so having to wash or at least rinse them off when we use them.

03-15-2024, 01:24
Beautiful weather here today.

3:00 in the afternoon and the security light (photocell) has already come on. Air is so heavy you can barely breath it.

Phloating Phlasher
03-15-2024, 07:51
New wheeze with coffee now.
No sugar (Bleaghhh) diabetes beckons so artificial sweeteners only.
"Splenda" isn't bad but they say even "doctored to be non-absorbale by the body" its still "sugar" which is "evile".
Tried "Stevia", (Yeuchhh.) gets bitter without ever sweetening.

03-15-2024, 09:26
Splenda IS better than Stevia. I use it in my oatmeal.

I use to work 12 hour rotating shifts. Making it through long night shifts often required a lot of coffee sometimes downing 10-12 cups of strong brew a night. Since I was 4 and maybe younger I drank coffee with cream and sugar. I realized that drinking 10-12 cups at work the sugar was going to catch up with me real soon especially with a family history of diabetes.

One night a co-worker brought in his espresso maker. He used enough grounds to make a whole pot of coffee to make just one small 6oz cup of espresso. Needless to say it was strong but good since the beans were freshly ground. I thought if I could drink that rotgut stuff I should at least be able to drink regular coffee black w/o sugar or any sweetener and have ever since.

A long and repeated story but that is how I gave up sugar w/o giving up coffee.

If you can still have some sugar Truvia makes a Stevia/cane sugar blend that is good and not bitter. You can buy it at WM. You would still have a sugar intake of course but less of it.

Doc Sharptail
03-16-2024, 12:24
Discussion turned interesting.

Another life-long swing-shifter here, fully aware of the benefits and drawbacks of the coffee thing.

I've had to watch it with coffee for most of my life with ulcers making an appearance in my 20's. Never really been a fan of cream/milk in my coffee, but it's a must do with most of the take-out stuff available around here. I make it just slightly on the thin side at home, and usually avoid the dirt cheap store brand stuff. Something with a bit of an actual coffee taste rather than strong bitterness fills the bill. I use a 10 oz. cup at home, and rarely have to lighten it with anything. Slightly less than a teaspoon of sugar in that cup is plenty.

Can't really recommend much in the way of brands, since everyone's taste differs. I do like the donut house coffee's- especially robin's, and dunkin's to those that can get it. Tim's will do when it has to, but it tends to be a bit long in the pot at times. Safeway's Edwards brand colombian blend is a good bargain. I note now that it carries a bit of a price premium over the stand-by Maxwell house, which is the best priced of a somewhat mundane lot.
I got no use for Starbuck's and it's overbrewed ilk. How that incredibly bitter taste has become popular is well beyond me. I can tell Folger's right away by the farts and flat taste.

Luckily, little in the way of diabetes in our line, although grand-dad may have been borderline, especially with the extra weight he carried.

Some imported coffee's have been good- we ended up with a couple of cases of Second Cup colombian beans that were actually excellent.

Last final note- most instant isn't coffee at all, at least as far as I can determine through the taste. All it seems to amount to is freeze-dried turkey turds...


Doc Sharptail

03-16-2024, 07:39
Cream and sugar in coffee is good when you're a child, drinking strong or awful coffee, or like you said, having to do with the take-out stuff.

I was raised on Maxwell House but as I grew older and started drinking black coffee I changed to MH Lite with half the caffeine (not de-caff). You've stated you don't like Folgers but when our local WM stopped selling the Max House Lite I bought a tub of Folgers Simply Smooth and haven't gone back. It sells well and is seldom in stock so we order it from WM on-line by the case (6 tubs) and receive it within 2-3 days. Yeah, we've kinda addicted to coffee.

In a previous thread a couple of months ago I mentioned that I have an apparent ulcer too. This Folgers Smooth is smooth because the PH is more balanced. With an ulcer you don't need the super strong (Eva Gabor from Green Acres) type coffee.

Works for us but you won't get a robust dark roast or Colombian coffee taste if that is what you prefer. It is more of a light roast.

03-17-2024, 05:50
yorshire tea in the van, headed to the local gunshow

03-19-2024, 06:03
Yeah, it's cold here too.

Near freezing last night.

I think most everyone in the East and maybe central U.S. got a blast.

03-22-2024, 10:26

Doc Sharptail
03-23-2024, 01:05
26 F here, and working up to a 3rd cup of coffee already.
Supposed to stay cool like this for another 5 or 6 days. Precipitation has been very low.

Sort of miss 5th Dragoons sometimes humorus interjects around here at times.

May wind up on the bike this afternoon- the roads are now pretty well ice free and dry enough for a minor attempt...


Doc Sharptail

03-23-2024, 01:11
Sort of miss 5th Dragoons sometimes humorus interjects around here at times.

What's keeping him away?

Sunny and near 80 F today. It would be nice to have a valve to let in some of your 26 F in exchange for some of our heat and rain.

Doc Sharptail
03-23-2024, 01:22
What's keeping him away?

I think he's unable to get logged on, which wouldn't be for lack of trying in his case.


Doc Sharptail

03-26-2024, 06:46
Windy yesterday. Winds constant at near 20mph all day long. Then, of course, the rain. It is still raining this morning and predicted to rain all day. Temps in the 50's so far.

In a day or two it will most likely become sunny with highs near 80 again.

Plants here don't know what to do, bloom, die, grow, get blown away, drown, or what. Not great for humans either.

03-30-2024, 02:29
Mowed today for the 4th time this season. A little overkill but winter and spring weeds are blooming (in the lawn) and I'm trying to not let them go to seed.

Doc Sharptail
04-01-2024, 06:07
Daytime highs getting up to about 36F. The little snow we got in March is gone already. There were quite a few rabbits out back last night.

We did the store bought turkey thing for Easter (again), and there's ton's left. A 12 lb bird sure goes a long ways. I'm gonna have one or two more samwidges out of it, and then the rest is going to soup.

Any time for the bike now- likely this week. Gotta get taxes done before the end of the month...


Doc Sharptail

05-13-2024, 07:36
We just got an alert from the National Weather advisory of a storm front approaching us with expected winds up to 80mph. Rainfall predicted 4"-5" between now and early tomorrow morning.

Another day in paradise.

05-22-2024, 02:37
I don't live in TX or FL but it is hot here.

I'm on my 12th or 13th grass cutting so far (starting to lose count). I could cut less but need to during breaks in the rain otherwise.....


Doc Sharptail
05-25-2024, 11:09
We are about 520 miles north of home and it's only 41f here.
It's been a bit on the cool side for the last 3 weeks here and at home. About normal rainfall amounts this spring, which has been long overdue.

Got to drive a newish jeep grand Cherokee Laredo a bit up here. Very nice little s.u.v.


Doc Sharptail

05-28-2024, 10:46
We had a nice spring here but it is gone now. Temps are running into the 90's with the heat index making it feel about 10 degrees + hotter. Hurricane season starts June 1st.

Mark in Ottawa
05-28-2024, 11:05
I have found that if you open the Forum in Firefox it works. It does not work on Google Chrome however


There's what the forum looks like on the main page for most of us on Win 10 after the latest round of up-dates from M/S.
The rest of it is much similar.

Forum is normal on my Android based phone, which is a real pain to post with due to the smaller screen and key-pad.


Doc Sharptail

06-06-2024, 10:28
Don't put off tomorrow what you can put off indefinitely.

I thought about cutting grass yesterday but put it off till today since I planned on doing other yard work as well. This was stupidly based upon the next 7 days of a 10 day forecast predicting sunshine with zero % chance of rain.

As ALWAYS it rained all night---yard is like a swamp today.

06-06-2024, 01:48
Good day to stay inside with big glass of tea...112? in Phoenix. I put my patio thermometer in the sun for grins and giggles and the needle is buried 2" past 120?.

06-13-2024, 06:55
Florida stole our rain.


Doc Sharptail
06-18-2024, 10:04

From about 10 days ago on our way back from Thompson.
Little Limestone Lake showing weather that has been pretty much the norm for the last 3 weeks or so.


Location signage. Apparently there aren't too many actual blue water freshwater lakes like this. Interesting place, anyways. Both taken with the 50mm f1.8 AF-D on the D-810 in program mode.


Doc Sharptail

06-18-2024, 11:29

Location signage. Apparently there aren't too many actual blue water freshwater lakes like this. Interesting place, anyways. Both taken with the 50mm f1.8 AF-D on the D-810 in program mode.


Doc Sharptail

Hey Doc . . . .What do you suppose a “marl lake” is?

Doc Sharptail
06-18-2024, 01:45
It's got something to do with the type of limestone that covers the lake bottom. There's some sort of reaction formed by the released chemicals from the stone into the water that form crystals that refract blue light. I did look it up.
There are whitefish and walleye and pike in there. It is a fairly large lake, about 12 miles long and 4 miles wide at it's widest. It would be interesting to fish it.


Doc Sharptail

07-09-2024, 06:58
This sorta says it all (with a little exaggeration).

Just completed my 20th mowing for the season so far.

07-09-2024, 09:38
I lived in Jackson thru my teenaged years...and yes this looks very familiar. 85? and 80% humidity. Most days in Jul and Aug rain about 2PM for an hour then sun. The fog off the ground sometimes would rise to knee high.

07-21-2024, 07:22
It's going to rain forever.

08-05-2024, 06:18
Another day in paradise here along the Gulf Coast.

This is happening right now.

09-08-2024, 10:48
Fall is in the air now (here).

Kids back at school. School buses everywhere. New schools being built like there's no tomorrow.

Still hot but everything is dying, drying up, leaves falling and covering the yard, spider webs everywhere in the yard. It is the peak of hurricane season too. There's several storm fronts around us but haven't developed into hurricanes yet.

I had a co-worker that claimed this was his favorite time of the year. I don't get it.

Phloating Phlasher
09-08-2024, 12:59
Something in the well water here eats "dripolator" innards.
Its not just cleaning, I've tried white vinegar at a 50/50 mix, tried only using water already boiled in a kettle & commercial coffee maker cleaners.
I'm on my third dripolator & my second espresso machine in 2 years.
:eusa_wall: :eusa_boohoo:

I just bought one of those hourglass pots & pour hot water in the top.

09-08-2024, 03:07
Something in the well water hear eats "dripolator" innards.
Its not just cleaning, I've tried white vinegar at a 50/50 mix, tried only using water already boiled in a kettle & commercial coffee maker cleaners.
I'm on my third dripolator & my second espresso machine in 2 years.
:eusa_wall: :eusa_boohoo:

I just bought one of those hourglass pots & pour hot water in the top.

Our water here is a little alkaline (sweet).

I use full strength bleach (name brand) to clean our coffee pot. It only takes a few minutes. I then pour the "used" bleach down the a/c drain to keep the condensate line clear of mold/algae.

Phloating Phlasher
09-09-2024, 12:40
Is that a stove top pot or an electric dripolator?

09-09-2024, 05:55
Is that a stove top pot or an electric dripolator?

Electric. Black & Decker brand from Walmart for only $50 ($60 now). I only use the thermal pot types now with no heater under the pot. A heating element just cooks the coffee. The thermal pot is SS and the coffee stays hot and drinkable for 2 hours or longer. I've used more expensive coffee makers but like this one best. Previous models (other makes) have leaked. The only downside is it is slow---takes about 10 minutes to perk a half pot.

09-10-2024, 10:28
San Angelo, TX...1968, no name brand 5 cup stove top percolator. Set Gas by eye...just when it full perks turn off gas, let it sit and drain down.

Best Folgers I've ever had.

09-19-2024, 02:48
electric kettle,

and a clean cup,

tea bag in, (currenty yorkie gold) fill with water, (once the kettle shuts off, just pour it right in) let set a bit and drink

I don't like scalding tea,

hot day, do the same, but have a pint glass of ice , once the tea has steeped a bit, pour it over the ice, may add a cube or 3 later, and some dayum good iced tea,

use honey as a sweetner if needed, I usually don't

Mark in Ottawa
09-22-2024, 07:23

There's what the forum looks like on the main page for most of us on Win 10 after the latest round of up-dates from M/S.
The rest of it is much similar.

Forum is normal on my Android based phone, which is a real pain to post with due to the smaller screen and key-pad.


Doc Sharptail

I get that image if I open the site with Google Chrome but I found that the site works properly if I open it using Firefox. I was reluctant to download another browser but in fact there have been no problems

09-22-2024, 11:00
on my ancient Dell, running chrome (Windows 7) no issues

my other laptops, I get that funky white skeleton like site,

Pat said she should have put out for some update or upgrade but did not,
I need to reach out to her again and get the password and info for the host and see if it can be corrected with out spending an arm and a leg

09-22-2024, 02:08
on my ancient Dell, running chrome (Windows 7) no issues

my other laptops, I get that funky white skeleton like site,

And for me, just the opposite.

Win 7 stopped with just about everything and I started getting the funky site shown above on Jouster. Win 11 using "Edge" did OK for about a year, then the same started happening.

Switched over to Firefox and all is OK.

On my Chromebook (laptop) it works flawlessly plus on sites like the Daily Mail I don't get all those thousands of popups and that annoying little video running in the bottom right corner.

09-24-2024, 06:36
It's like Russian roulette several times each year. You never know where it's going to hit.


09-26-2024, 09:31
Florida did NOT have a good night last night.

Helene came in as a cat 4 hurricane @ 140mph.

09-29-2024, 12:43
Though we were on the "good side" of the hurricane and had minimal affects many weren't so fortunate.

I read where helicopters were evacuating people from the rooftop of a hospital in TN due to flood waters (forgot what city).

Here is a pic to give you some idea. If areas this far inland have this much destruction think how bad it is for those of us near the coast where the storms hit much stronger. Plus there is the storm title surge, usually around 20-30'.

Areas to the North of the coast suffered mostly from flood waters, reduced winds, and tornadoes spun off by hurricanes. It was reported in 1979 Hurricane Frederick (direct hit my area) spun off over 200 tornadoes.

Gotta love it.

09-30-2024, 10:33
Pictures cannot begin to comprehend what it is really like after a storm like this (or worse). Even the Biltmore estate has some damage and the Biltmore village was flooded.


10-07-2024, 02:57
Pray for those in Florida. Hurricane Milton is projected to hit some of the same area as the last hurricane. At time of posting sustained winds are 180mph. Storms aren't rated any higher than cat 5 (157 and +).

For a comparison, hurricane Camille (1969) that leveled Biloxi MS had sustained winds of 200mph and gust to 230mph regardless of what the reports may say now. I remember the live TV reports as they happened. We had a good bit of damage way over in Alabama from it.

This storm has a way to go yet before hitting land so anything can happen.