View Full Version : Service Rifle primers

01-21-2024, 07:11
Found this on James Calhoon's site.

Anyone have similar data on 34 and 41 primers?
Manufacturers did not respond to my inquiries.

Rifle Primer Dimension Chart

Manufacturer Number A B C
Cup Cup Cup
Thickness Diameter Height
Small Rifle
CCI 400 .020" .1753" .109"
450 .025" .1750" .113"
BR4 .025" .1755" .109"
Federal 200 .019" .1757" .111"
205M .0225" .1744" .1075"
Remington 6 1/2 .020" .1753" .109"
7 1/2 .025" .1752" .110"
Winchester SR .021" .1750" .109"
Large Rifle
CCI 200 .027" .2112" .118"
250 .027" .2113" .118"
Federal 210 .027" .2120" .117"
215 -- -- --
Remington 9 1/2 .027" .2100" .119"
Winchester LR .027" .2114" .121"
Mag .027" .2114" .121"

01-21-2024, 11:24
The difference is anvil height, a dimension not seen in your post.


01-22-2024, 12:52
To prevent slam fires?

Thank you.

01-22-2024, 01:27
what are you shooting?

I've shot thousands of rounds of both WRA Small Rifle and large Rifle with nary a problem or slamfire

small rifle a couple AR Service rifles, and LR thru a Garand (shot Garand Matches for 4 or 5 yrs)

01-22-2024, 02:32

Agree, not a problem, as long as the primers are set to proper depth. Whatta Hobby!

Phloating Phlasher
01-22-2024, 03:15
I've used CCI #200 for ever in an FAL & a Springfield Armoury M1a, & yet to have a slam-fire. Bit you must set below flush slightly.
I've ejected chambered, but unfired rounds & they have this tiny teeny dimple. Barely even visible.

01-22-2024, 06:44
M1, M1a, AR-15.

After running them through the Dillon to size, hand seat the primers then back in the Dillon. Press is more for multi stage processing than once through loading for Service Rifle.

Former Cav
05-13-2024, 04:31
I've never had a problem in both M1A or AR 15. I've used mostly standard rifle winchester brand but I have also used the CCI 34 and 41's with no problems. I load my rounds on the 550 Dillon press.