View Full Version : 1873 Trapdoor Carbine Opinions Please

02-14-2024, 12:48
I am buying this carbine and would like opinions on it please. There is an odd screw near the rear sight. What could the purpose be for it? Is this carbine listed in the SRS list?

02-14-2024, 12:51

Tom Trevor
02-14-2024, 04:00
No SRS hit. The closest was a donation to US navy for WW2. The rear sight has been replaced at one time and the current is a collection of oddparts so I can GUESS the extra hole was for a different sight

Dick Hosmer
02-14-2024, 04:10
I sorta wish you had said you were "thinking about buying this carbine". The time to solicit opinions is before the fact, not after.

That number is not listed in SRS, BUT the closest ones that are, are rifles.

It's got some questions - almost the least of which is the added screw (which I cannot explain, unless there is a corresponding hole hidden under the sight, indicating that it had been moved for some reason). The slotless screws are a good sign - moving the sight is not. Is there a trap under the buttplate? If not, it is not a carbine stock, though the form of the stiock tip appears (at least from the views provided) to be OK. The rear sling bar inletting is either not right, or the wood has been heavily sanded. The hammer screw is from a .50-70, and the barrel band (incorrect for serial number range) is on backwards - minor nuisances by themselves but they are indicative of assembly by a person not clear on the details. The muzzle and front sight look OK, so it may be a carbine barrel.

If you want a representative "carbine" to hang on the wall, or to shoot/reenact, that one should be fine, but if you want (or are paying serious money for) a REAL, no-questions, genuine SA carbine, I'd consider looking further. Sorry, I know that didn't make your day, and I hope you can still back out if you want to.

02-14-2024, 05:19
Thank you for the great information. In it's current condition, what would be a fair price to pay for this.

02-14-2024, 05:33
In addition to Richard’s critique, I’m wondering if there is a filler under the barrel at the front of the stock that fills in the original cleaning rod hole/slot of a RIFLE.

Also, only the very early carbines had a stacking swivel . . . .swivel /band on this “carbine” is far too early for a “long comb/short wrist” stock which is what I see.

02-14-2024, 05:39
I do not have a photo of the tip of the stock. I will have to ask the seller for a photo. I understand your concern.

Tom Trevor
02-14-2024, 06:38
I make the serial number 126856 is that correct? Its hard to see the sixth number partially under the hammer in the picture. That would be 1880 production year and the stock would have the trap for the rods and tool in the buttstock.

02-14-2024, 06:55
It looks like 126856 to me also. Would it be possible that the stock was replaced with an earlier type? I have asked the seller for photos of under the buttplate, and front end to see if it was a rifle stock.

Tom Trevor
02-14-2024, 08:20
Also a picture of the band area with the band removed as well. With all you have been told here can you get out of the deal to buy it?

02-14-2024, 08:23
I can cancel the deal. I appreciate all the technical information I have learned about carbines.

Tom Trevor
02-15-2024, 09:28
Thats good. If you got the pictures requested of the stock without buttplate and stock tip would you mind posting them for us to see. And what was the asking price of the carbine.

02-15-2024, 12:41
The seller did not send photos after I cancelled the sale. He was asking $1000 for it.

Tom Trevor
02-15-2024, 01:10
Not worth that for what is shown here. Next time you see one ask for a look before buying. Some of us are thru buying due to age and promise not to snipe you out of it.

02-15-2024, 01:32
Thank you for the good advice Tom.