View Full Version : USMC Sniper Chuck Mawhinney Passes

02-16-2024, 06:29
Legendary Marine Chuck Mawhinney dies February 12, 2023 at 75 years of age.....




Major Tom
02-16-2024, 09:16
A co-worker was a Marine sniper in 'Nam and another co-worker was once a Navy Seal. Both had PTSD and both had major mental problems! They never bragged or said anything about their combat experiences. At their respective funerals, their spouses told me about them.

02-16-2024, 06:27
Good post and response. A kid who was a good shot. How hard is that? Under pressure, well.. You don't walk away from what you did. He did, for a while. How did he feel about it? Some affirmation, that is good for the soul. We lost 50K youong men in VN, should we owe them? How many did the Vietcong loose? They think of their people like we do ours. We get over pain fast. A war is just a good neighborhood fight. Nice shooting. Bless the man.

02-18-2024, 10:19
Through his effort and those of others as snipers, we will never know how many lives of our men they saved.