View Full Version : Good News

03-29-2024, 01:58
I was able to contact Sam Boggs and talk with him today. It turns out that his computer crashed and that is the reason we did not see any posts here on Culvers. My fear that he may of had a set back in his health was unfounded. Thanks to all that tried to help me in my quest to contact Sam.

Happy Easter to one and all.


03-29-2024, 02:20
Thanks for posting.

His daughter bought him a new computer and he has returned to posting here the past couple of days. You will see him on the 2nd/political forum too.

S.A. Boggs
03-29-2024, 02:27
Thanks for posting.

His daughter bought him a new computer and he has returned to posting here the past couple of days. You will see him on the 2nd/political forum too.

And a new 5G phone with all kinds of stuff I don't understand.:icon_redface::eusa_shhh: