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View Full Version : Rem 700

04-04-2024, 06:14
Worked on the 700 .308 26" 1-12 barrel with Bell and Carlson chassis in the shop this morning, for a short time. Got the old trigger down from 5lbs to 1.5. Waiting for the 4 oz Jewel trigger which should be here in a few days. Mounted the scope an bipod. Re-measured the chamber for some loading. This rifle was set up for heavy bullets years ago so with the BTL .030 longer than my Savage 110 I really can't use the small bullets in this one. Just not enough purchase for any regular neck tension so I will be using Sierra MK in the 168,169 and 175 variety which have long enough BTO for a good set. Snowing and 32 degs this morning so the range will have to wait a bit. Supposed to get up to the 60s soon. Whatta Hobby!


04-06-2024, 01:17
Today I replaced the original trigger with a Triggertech Diamond and set it to a nice 4.5 oz break. Whatta Hobby!

04-07-2024, 08:52
There you go again nf1e. I want one of these also. That makes 2 in the last 3 weeks or so you have posted that I want. Don't know if I can stand it anymore, wish list only has so much room.

04-08-2024, 02:08
Just so you know, these rifles are not new to me by any means. Have had them for over 30 years and just bringing them back out of the darkness for the halibut. I have been enjoying precision shooting for a long time and just never got around to all the new fancy do dads that can be added to enhance the accuracy of these old warriors. Whatta Hobby!

04-08-2024, 09:27
Anytime you want to bring them out into the light let me know. I have extra storage available at no cost to you. I would LOVE to take them out and make sure they are working properly. Save you some time on the annual cleaning regimen also. Any thing to help you out in this area. Have many targets wanting to meet new hole punchers.

04-08-2024, 10:27
What a generous offer.