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View Full Version : Mosin Nagant prices

Major Tom
04-08-2024, 04:44
Was at a gun show the other day. Grandson was interested in a Mosin Nagant rifle that came with a bayonet and sling. Wood was very decent. Price was $500. I remember not too long ago gun shops could not get rid of them at $100. Why the huge increase in prices?

04-08-2024, 06:49
They all hit the market at once. Now they are drying up. They also came at about the same time that surplus SKS rifles were released. So used foreign rifles were plentiful for a while.

I paid $150 for mine (Remington contract) because it has the Imperial Russian eagle on it.

I remember also the M44 shorter version with side swinging bayo's selling for $40. The sellers here were calling them "hog guns".

Perhaps the "Enemy at the Gate" movie boosted their popularity?

Major Tom
04-10-2024, 06:33
Thank yo, Allen

04-11-2024, 02:17
Millenial Magnets,

gamers been buying them up, and as mentioned supply is finite, kinda

they have been, hear on the east coast, 450-500 for refurb 91\30's, (most were Ukrainian storage refurbs)
tad higher for 44's, and other variants,