View Full Version : 1945 Radway Green .303 British

Phloating Phlasher
05-20-2024, 12:19
I was gifted a case of this, still sealed in a spam can in a sealed crate, probably 20 years ago.
It was known to have been stored in the sealed spam can & wooden crate inside a climate-controlled house for at least 30 years of its history.

Well moving & other issues meant opening the can as "common knowledge" knew it was "old click-BANG milsurp rubbish".
I tried to sell it off at one point because I was well stocked with modern non corrosive .303 Brit.
Best off I could get was "a couple of (20 round) boxes of Prvi" in trade :icon_e_surprised: :icon_salut:

Well I took them & my Enfield No5 "Goobermint Model Sporter" to the range & did a function check.
Didn't miss a beat, not a click-BANG or hang-fire in the bunch.

Motto of the story?
IF you know the history of the ammo "all that corrosive Mil-Surp Rubbish" is NOT a guaranteed decomposed pile of scrap!
