View Full Version : Ruger .22 Auto grips

06-22-2024, 11:54
Anyone remember who made grips for the Ruger which had the angle and shape of a 1911?

Old Guns
07-03-2024, 08:51
Have no idea who may have made the grips. But if you are looking for them, there are tons on ebay.

07-03-2024, 11:21
to clarify,

are you looking for 1911 ish grips for a Ruger MK I, II, III or IV?

or Ruger 22\45 grips?

and not all 22\45 frames have removeble grip panels

07-05-2024, 07:19
Ruger Mk 1, etc. Need to find my early '70s Brownell's.

11-17-2024, 10:12
If you can't find it, phone them. They are very helpful.