View Full Version : Interesting statistics

06-26-2024, 06:23
According to the listing below, we have over 23,000 people currently viewing this web site with only 3 members being listed.

06-26-2024, 07:27
According to the listing below, we have over 23,000 people currently viewing this web site with only 3 members being listed.

I always said the system here had a "glitch" in it. I would never believe 23,000. I don't believe 2300. I would find it hard to believe 230 even unless these are people who logged on and never logged off.

06-27-2024, 10:13
13 people have read this thread, and of those 13, at least 2 have not made any posts at all, or at least not in the recent past, (click the member, then click latest post)

High Plaines Doug r
06-27-2024, 08:24
I have been a member since long before it was Jouster. Like when the Major was still working for the DCM.
Anyway, I log in if I see if there is anything to read or comment on. Otherwise, I just read the comments and move on.
Lately, (like in the last 6-8 years ) there's been little worth commenting on.
Mostly bickering.

06-28-2024, 12:50
Been a member since 2009. Routinely drop in daily, sometimes several times a day. Always read the posts and replies. Comment occasionally. Not much into political stuff. Do really like the M-1 and 03 and Krag posts. Sincerely. bruce.

06-29-2024, 08:13
I've only been here a few weeks. Have enjoyed reading some of the old threads and hope there will be some new posts. Seems to me there is less hot air here than on some other forums where those who know the least post the most. ;-)

06-29-2024, 09:53
I've only been here a few weeks. Have enjoyed reading some of the old threads and hope there will be some new posts. Seems to me there is less hot air here than on some other forums where those who know the least post the most. ;-)


Stick with us.

06-29-2024, 11:27
Like those above, been a member for a looong time. Check in a couple times a day, check "New Posts", and comment only sparingly now.

Doc Sharptail
06-30-2024, 01:34
According to the listing below, we have over 23,000 people currently viewing this web site with only 3 members being listed.

I'm on another photography based forum, and odd numbers there as well. Those seemingly high numbers are often the result of search bots/tracking engines etc.

Actual participation on bulletin board pages like this is in steep decline. What makes it worse for this page is the technical problems the board is currently experiencing, and the lack of will to do anything about it. Having to repeatedly log in for every forum action gets old after a while.


Doc Sharptail