View Full Version : 16 inch 1912 bayonet

Major Tom
07-04-2024, 07:28
I have one of these that has been parkerized. I would like to return the blade to its original bare metal.
How do I remove the parkerize finish? The wood grips are in good shape with 7 grooves per inch.
Thanks for all replies

07-04-2024, 03:36
I never tried it and over the years I've never heard of any chemical park remover.

If it were mine I would use fine sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood to protect the markings. You wouldn't want to buff it for the same reason.


Johnny P
12-30-2024, 10:34
Emery cloth of the correct grade on a block would probably yield best results. A block shaped to the groove will be needed to keep from rounding the edges.

An original finish Model 1905.


01-19-2025, 03:05
If it is the black Greek park, Naval Jelly does wonders taking it off. Whatta Hobby!

Johnny P
01-24-2025, 10:56
Still being original 16" blade, probably done prior to or beginning of WW2.