View Full Version : I am done with Jouster

Major Tom
07-20-2024, 05:35
Now I need another password, to get into the 2nd admendent forum! Phooey Goodbye

S.A. Boggs
07-20-2024, 06:18
Tom, don't feel bad many of us here have had problems of one sort or another and with the help of Lyman/Allen worked thru them. Handle this just like you did in another time under much worse circumstances.:icon_salut:

07-20-2024, 03:57
Now I need another password, to get into the 2nd admendent forum! Phooey Goodbye

Been there done that!!!! It's OK, just get the word via private message and you will be good to go.

It is time to drop the password for the 2nd Amendment! The traitors are gone and completely debunked.

07-20-2024, 08:30
Been there done that!!!! It's OK, just get the word via private message and you will be good to go.

I sent him the password a couple of months ago and he's been logging on and replying. Sent it to him again when he posted this thread. He may be having computer problems? I donno.

Major Tom
07-25-2024, 10:11
I give up! The password does not work!

07-25-2024, 03:27
I do not know your problem with the 2nd amendment, but in reality it is no longer active or interesting.

Please do not leave us, we are struggling just to stay alive!

Former Cav
07-28-2024, 06:51
did you check to see if your "caps lock" is on? I've done that!