View Full Version : Medical Care in this Area

09-04-2024, 06:11
I've spoken before about the lack of medical care in this area. I have many horror stories involving doctors, hospitals and ambulance services. For those of you who have doubted my post about this in the past here is this, a tiny piece of the iceburg:


You don't remove a liver. You can remove part of it. You can remove all of it if you are doing a transplant but you simply don't just remove a liver.

Doctors in this area need to at least complete the sixth grade before being allowed to practice medicine.

Johnny P
09-06-2024, 10:40
This week my wife had an appointment to get the results of a MRI. Her appointment was at 12:15 and they called her in at 4:00. To top it all off the nurse ask what she was there for. They overbook as you have no other choice than to sit there and wait on them.

09-06-2024, 11:34
This week my wife had an appointment to get the results of a MRI. Her appointment was at 12:15 and they called her in at 4:00. To top it all off the nurse ask what she was there for. They overbook as you have no other choice than to sit there and wait on them.

Their time is very valuable. Your time is worthless. They don't mind reminding you of that.

09-06-2024, 11:38
true story,

many moons ago a local gunshow promoter left his wife and family and moved to Mexico,
got his MD at a mexican uni,

moved back to VA eventually and got a job as a Doc in a rural hospital, near where my grandparents and uncles live,

they had standing orders, if you get sick, and you can make the drive, get to Danville, Lynchburg or a hospital in NC,, do not go to South Boston (va) general,
since he had a rep as not a good doc, and was nick named Doc Death,

he retired years ago, so the family can now go back to So Bo General if needed,

S.A. Boggs
09-06-2024, 11:55
Years ago local Dr. was notorious for over booking and kept a lawyer waiting 3 hours. Lawyer said his time was valuable as well, so Dr. said sue me! Lawyer did in small claims court and won @ $200 per hour. Judge had been a patient of this Dr. as well and no more over booking!

Major Tom
09-07-2024, 03:24
Our ER is always full of illegals.

09-28-2024, 04:35
Update: The "doctor" should have had his license pulled years ago as this was not his first screw up.

Seems as though the entire staff in the operating room knew it was a liver and not a spleen laying on the table except for the "doctor".


10-15-2024, 06:17
Another one from this area. Over time, several have lost their licenses but I wonder how much of this goes on w/o anyone knowing.

The hospital staff's are another problem within itself.
