View Full Version : Ammo now sold in vending machines

12-16-2024, 08:22
Great idea.

My mother spoke of buying 22LR ammo in the grocery stores for .25 a box (not a brick) when she was young and even I @ 71 remember in the early 60's seeing the same for .50 a box. The ammo was on open shelves too, not hidden behind the counter like it was something evil.

The ammunition kiosks operate in nearly a dozen grocery stores across Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama and Colorado. Fresh Value, Lowe?s Market and Super C Mart. Just a few stores so far but definitely a step in the right (and right wing) direction.


Problem is: if these vendors are like chips and soft drinks the price will be double of what it can be bought for off the shelf.

And.... The first time someone makes a scene firing a gun in the streets or at someone and claims they bought the ammo from a vending machine the commie news media will bad mouth the availability of such ammo 24/7.

Unlike voting, I'm sure some form of ID will need to be presented.

Still, a right turn of events.

Major Tom
12-16-2024, 11:36
When I lived in Spring Lake, North Carolina, mid '60's, I bought 22rf off the shelf at the local grocery store.

Johnny P
12-17-2024, 08:21
Remember when you had to sign for handgun ammo? Everything that might remotely be used for handgun ammunition was much the same as buying a gun. Thankfully that was repealed.

12-17-2024, 08:51
Remember when you had to sign for handgun ammo? Everything that might remotely be used for handgun ammunition was much the same as buying a gun. Thankfully that was repealed.

This was years ago but I bought 4 bricks of 22LR at Academy Sports. The salesperson escorted me to the cashier when I left. I asked him why he didn't put a gun to my back as well.

12-19-2024, 09:41
That's why I make my own now.

12-19-2024, 05:44
I think in the 60s, a brick costs five dollars!

12-19-2024, 06:37
From the 90s, I have 3 single shot .22s and a case I got from CMP inches 90s. I'm 80 and will probably never shoot what's left of the 10,000 rounds.

Phloating Phlasher
12-19-2024, 07:30
$11.00 a BRICK for Remington Thunderbolts.
Yeah I know but my 10-22 loves them even over premium loads like Eley Match!
I went to a gun & ammo buy back where they were giving "a Buck a bullet, to get them of the streets". I tried to trade a brick of 500, but they stopped me at 2 50 round boxes.
I immediately bought more of them:eusa_dance:

12-19-2024, 07:31
I think in the 60s, a brick costs five dollars!

Even into the 90's a brick was only $7 and was considered cheap.

I remember telling my co-workers who had guns to buy a brick EVERY TIME they went to WM. They made light of me thinking the availability and price would be there forever.

12-19-2024, 07:36
Remington Thunderbolts.

I never had any problem with them. The bulk of what I own (22's) are Remington.

Guns that only function with certain brands of 22's need to be worked on.

12-19-2024, 07:42
$11.00 a BRICK for Remington Thunderbolts.
Yeah I know but my 1--22 loves them even over premium loads like Eley Match!
I went to a gun & ammo buy back where they were giving "a Buck a bullet, to get them of the streets". I tried to trade a brick of 500, but they stopped me at 2 50 round boxes.
I immediately bought more of them:eusa_dance:

Didn't sound like they wanted them off the streets too awful bad to have a 100rd limit. Still, you made out like a bandit.

I'm afraid if it had been me I would had to have told them I took the $100 and bought more while laughing about it.

Johnny P
12-20-2024, 11:35
1960's era ammo vending machine.


12-23-2024, 03:55
Identity verification? ATF loves the idea.

12-23-2024, 05:48

American Terrorist Force.

The "F" could stand for other words as well.

Phloating Phlasher
12-23-2024, 08:36
Oh the 10-22 works with everything I've fed it.
Its is just at its best for accuracy with the "Thunderpharts" as I call them.

Mark in Ottawa
12-25-2024, 08:14
As a Canadian this is all somewhat alien to me. As you may know, in Canada to purchase a firearm or ammunition you need a licence. Most of us are not too troubled by that requirement since to get a licence you need to take a training course, pass both a written and practical exam and have a criminal check. What that means in practice is that you have some faith that the person next to you at the range has some semblance of competence and safety knowledge (not always of course and I have seen people do some seriously stupid things). As long as you show your permit to the clerk there are no limits on how many firearms you can own or how much ammunition you can purchase.

12-25-2024, 08:38
Some states here now require firearm safety classes for purchases. I don't think the training is very beneficial though but for those who live in the city with no place to shoot or practice it may be warranted. Remember, the bad guys get the training too.



In Alabama there are no limits to how many guns you can purchase but a local dealer and friend tells me that if you buy more than 2 at a time your info has to be sent in to the FBI. He recommends: just buy 2 and come back the next day or days to buy more.

Phloating Phlasher
12-25-2024, 08:56
Plus some of the courses are basically a joke.